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vol.10 número4La autoevaluación institucional con fines de mejora contínua en las instituciones de Educación SuperiorUna isla en medio del océano: así debe ser representada la relación de lo consciente y lo inconsciente índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


ZAMORA LABORDE, José; ZAMORA GUEVARA, José  y  ANDRADE ZAMORA, Fabrizzio. Ecological clustering of the Pacific oyster of Ecuador. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.4, pp. 25-33.  Epub 02-Sep-2018. ISSN 2218-3620.

The economic situation in Ecuador contracted with the fall in oil prices, since the government after 5 years (2009-2014) of prices above USD 90 a barrel, did not foresee the decrease and its reserves are not enough to support the financial crisis of 2016. One of the aid in currency that the country receives is the contribution of remittances from exports of traditional products such as shrimp, roses, bananas, cocoa and small grain and handicrafts operations. Another factor of foreign exchange earnings is the sending of remittances from emigrants who contribute with fresh money to the monetary money that allows the sustainability of the Ecuadorian dollarization, implemented since 2000. There is a research current on the export of non-traditional products such as those that are exported being promoted by the Ecuadorian government since 2007 with the denomination of "Change of the productive matrix", in which Ecuadorians have been inculcated to look for alternatives of substitution of exportation of raw materials, finished products are developed. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out whose general objective is to demonstrate that there are market and seawater conditions to sustain that there is an adequate environment on the Ecuadorian coast for the sowing of "Pacific" oyster, with results that were optimal and validated by marketers and chemists from both perspectives deduced that it can be planted a few meters from the beach and thus offer a new productive alternative, thanks to the low pollution of the sea, the good quality of water and nutrients that accompanied by the climate allow production in shorter periods than other seafood producing countries.

Palabras clave : Clustering; Porter's diamond; physical-chemical analysis of seawater; Pacific Oyster.

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