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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


MOJICA ZARATE, Héctor Tecumshé  y  BOLANO RODRIGUEZ, Yuniel. Integrated strategic valuation of the sustainable use of the soil in Sonora, Mexico. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.4, pp. 20-28.  Epub 02-Sep-2019. ISSN 2218-3620.

The soil has been part of the productive base in the history of all civilization. Its use, from an integrated perspective and as a fundamental element of a complex system in construction, has enabled the development of human and the formation of their settlements over time in its various scenarios. This has also served as a support to maintain a relationship between production and a sustainable form of development. The present work allows to characterize the use of the soil from the constructive - sustainable base in two arid regions of Sonora, Mexico, taking into account the elaboration of adobes and how these minimum units of construction represent a way of sustenance for the community in certain seasons in those that the agro-productive activities are inserted as a seasonal activity. The comparative - quantitative method was used to assess the characteristics by region, likewise, direct observation was made to give importance to each one of the local constructive elements of the soil and its relation with the local agroproductive activities as a fundamental factor of such link. There are varied agro-productive combinations in both regions for each climate season. The elaboration and construction with adobe allow the conformation of labor structures, sequenced in the time and also conceived an increase in the tourist valuation from the constructions that have been elaborated with some techniques where the use of the adobe is applied as input material.

Palabras clave : Adobe bricks; sustainable constructions; agro-productive tourism; decent work; complex systems.

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