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Revista Universidad y Sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620
VALLEJO ILIJAMA, María; GAVILANES BETANCOURT, Eva; LLUMITAXI PENA, Jomaira y POMA PILAMUNGA, Alexis. Integral management of disaster risks and sustainable management of water. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.4, pp. 267-275. Epub 02-Sep-2019. ISSN 2218-3620.
The present investigation was carried out with the objective of developing a methodology that allows identifying and evaluating the risks of natural and anthropic disasters in the use and sustainable management of water in the Chagpogyo area of the Guaranda canton. For this, it was based on the laboratory analysis of the physical, chemical, and bacteriological characteristics of the water, that there were compared with the maximum permissible limits for human and domestic consumption established in the TULSMA, the Method of Preparation and Implementation of Plans was used of Emergency and Contingency adopted to the investigation for the identification of natural risks like: frosts, volcanic eruption, landslides, earthquakes, droughts, strong winds; among anthropogenic ones: water pollution, and forest fires.
Palabras clave : Management; sustainable use; water, risks.