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Revista Universidad y Sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620
CRUZ VIROSA, Ibis Emilia et al. Procedure for the communication of the urban air quality management in Cienfuegos. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2020, vol.12, n.5, pp. 53-68. Epub 02-Oct-2020. ISSN 2218-3620.
This research proposes a procedure for organizing the process of communication about the urban air quality management in Cienfuegos, as part of improve of the environment management model implementing in these city. The procedure is design taken into account tools as: the Shannon and Weaver model, the human communication theory; furthermore it considered a process management and the system focusing. With its implementation, the procedure can establish the systematic communication, the result of the key process, emission control and surveillance of the air quality. In the execution of the communication procedure, it was taken into account three methodologies, internal communication, technological alert communication and external communication. The methodology used others tools like: indicators, risks management, the environment education and also the public consult. The fundamental contributions of the procedure are materializing with the communication of the urban air quality management in areas, hot spot and risk scene. As a result, it is guaranteed the communication and the participation of the stakeholders in taken decision, to achieve improve of environment performance in Cienfuegos city.
Palabras clave : Procedure; methodology; communication process; air quality; indicators.