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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


ACOSTA ESPINOZA, Jorge Lenin  y  DIAZ VAZQUEZ, Rita Azucena. Portfolio management system using business intelligence software in the Water board of Pimampiro. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.1, pp. 96-102.  Epub 02-Feb-2021. ISSN 2218-3620.

The Water Board of the canal of Pimampiro, located in the Pimampiro region in the Province of Imbabura, had annual losses of approximately $ 19,962 due to fines, mingas, unnecessary water consumption, etc. Other issues were the complaints registered by users about theft, pollution and emergencies along the irrigation canal and its distributaries, the inaccurate and/or false information of more than 60 farms; for these reasons a proposal was made to the Water Board to implement a web and mobile platform that would allow portfolio management, and above all to keep the Board users’ information updated. Methods and research techniques such as surveys and interviews were used to obtain data for further analysis. With the implementation of the web and mobile application, it is possible to manage in a timely manner the distribution of water resources among irrigators in an efficient and effective manner. At the same time, improvements have taken place in regards to the collection of contributions and financial monitoring, by the information collected through Business Intelligence technologies, and Information and Communication Technologies. A process of rationalization and efficient distribution of irrigation water was developed in the canal of the town of Pimampiro in order to achieve collective consciousness and sustainable development.

Palabras clave : Integrated Portfolio Management System; Civic Statistics; TICS; Sustainable Development; Water Board; web; mobile.

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