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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


JUANES GIRAUD, Blas Yoel; SALAS ALVAREZ, Wilson Teodomiro; ALVAREZ HERNANDEZ, Isleidy  y  MULLO ROMERO, Esther del Carmen. The permanent training of the university teacher with emphasis on tourism. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.14, n.4, pp. 395-402.  Epub 30-Ago-2022. ISSN 2218-3620.

Responding to educational demands requires policies implemented by governments in accordance with their contexts and their political, social and cultural realities. Responding to educational demands requires policies implemented by governments in accordance with their contexts and their political, social and cultural realities. From this perspective, training is not alien to a socio-historical and cultural moment or to the political and economic conditions of a particular context. From this perspective, training is not alien to a socio-historical and cultural moment or to the political and economic conditions of a particular context. According to UNESCO, the common denominator that emerges from the World Summits and the great international conferences is that the State, civil society and professional communities must establish national agreements that lead to sustainable human development, this development is undoubtedly possible through education, the same that has always played a fundamental role in the social development of nations, considering that the need of the contemporary world is that of competent professionals who can respond to the demands of the scientific-technical development of their time. For its part, teacher training is today a critical point of the educational debate, explaining the existing interest in Latin America to renew training institutions, define the role of the trainer, improve curricular proposals, design a system of continuous training and professional development fundamentally for higher education. The objective of the following article is to make an assessment on this topic from the perspective of tourism.

Palabras clave : lifelong learning; Higher education; Ecuador.

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