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vol.14 número6Evaluación de la realidad operativa del aeropuerto Chimborazo para orientar su uso en el transporte turísticoInstrumento para evaluar la satisfacción laboral en los servicios de estomatología general integral en cuba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620


LOAIZA REYES, Jorge Isaac; BENAVIDES SALAZAR, Cristian Fernando  y  BENAVIDES SALAZAR, Julio Cesar. The lack of job stability for public servants during the pandemic. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.14, n.6, pp. 116-122.  Epub 01-Dic-2022. ISSN 2218-3620.

One of the main rights of public servants in Ecuador is labor stability, which during the pandemic was violated, since several public servants were dismissed due to lack of productivity and economic effects generated by the pandemic. That is why the following research has been carried out, with the objective of demonstrating the existence of the effects on labor stability during the pandemic. It was necessary to apply the deductive and analytical method for the realization of this study, using a descriptive and field research. The result obtained has been to demonstrate that despite the fact that public servants were in the front line during the pandemic, they did not have the necessary guarantee that their labor rights were fulfilled, without having any security in their labor stability, reaching the conclusion that there were not enough actions to help these workers, defending their right to remain in their jobs.

Palabras clave : Pandemic; Rights; Labor stability; Economy; Public servant.

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