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Centro Azúcar

versión On-line ISSN 2223-4861


MOSCOSO VANEGAS, Diana; ASTUDILLO ALEMAN, Ana  y  MORALES PEREZ, Mayra C.. Inventory of atmospheric emissions from fixed sources of combustion in the cuenca-ecuador industrial park. cen. az. [online]. 2018, vol.45, n.2, pp. 33-45. ISSN 2223-4861.

The estimation of atmospheric emissions from fixed sources of combustion is currently a necessity in the management of the urban air quality of the Cuenca city. It is extremely important to have the information of the inventory of emissions, which allows to determine the impact generated in the air, which visibly affects human health and ecosystem. The objective of this research was to quantify and estimate the atmospheric emissions of the most representative pollutants generated in fixed sources of combustion processes. For this purpose, 30 companies from different economic sectors were selected; the methodology for the preparation of the inventory is based on the use of emission factors and automatic sampling at the source. The results show that sulphur dioxide (SO2) generated by paperboard elaboration and others, is the highest pollutant, with a total of 24.01kg / h.  This amount is produced because the company which elaborates this item uses fuel with a high proportion of sulphur, and works continually the 7 days a week; the pollutant emitted in less quantity is the carbon monoxide (CO) generated mainly by the metalworking sector with a total of 7,52kg / h.  Referring to the nitrogen oxides (NOx), the highest pollutant corresponds to the Production of ceramics, pipes and galvanized products with a total of 13,83kg / h, which is attributed to the use of different sources of combustion.

Palabras clave : load pollutant; fix sources; emission inventory; pollution; air.

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