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Tecnología Química

versión On-line ISSN 2224-6185


GUTIERREZ-BENITEZ, Omar et al. Kinetic of hydrocarbon degradation by biopile at a bench-scale. RTQ [online]. 2021, vol.41, n.2, pp. 346-366.  Epub 30-Jul-2021. ISSN 2224-6185.

Hydrocarbon bioremediation is conditioned by physical, chemical, microbiological and environmental factors. The objective was to assess the performance of the kinetics of hydrocarbon degradation by biopile ecotechnology using different texturizers, at bench scale. An experimental protocol was implemented to evaluate six treatments, using sugarcane bagasse, sugarcane filter cake, sawdust, coffee pulp, cow dung and Thalassia testudinum residues, for 0, 60, 90, 150 and 240 days. The experimental data were fitted to mathematical models for zero-order, first-order and second-order reactions. The best-fit model and the order of the reaction were statistically determined. The reaction rate constant and half-life were obtained. A Microsoft Office Excel workbook was prepared for the corresponding calculations and graphs. High hydrocarbon removal efficiencies (G&A and TPH) were obtained for all texturizers. Cow dung was the treatment with the highest percentage, of the order of 66.08 % and 59.12 % respectively. The kinetics of hydrocarbon degradation had a better fit to the second order model, explained by the complex nature of the petroleum waste investigated, and by the occurrence of the complex biochemical mechanisms of hydrocarbon bioremediation in the biopile ecotechnology. The research provided technical criteria for the selection of the texturizer to be used in the optimization and scale-up of the ecotechnology.

Palabras clave : petroleum waste; bioremediation; biopile; kinetic; hydrocarbon degradation.

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