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Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

versión On-line ISSN 2304-0106


GARCIA RODRIGUEZ, Yadira Victoria et al. Network of studies of Cuban and Latin American cultural identity. Anales de la ACC [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.2  Epub 20-Jun-2022. ISSN 2304-0106.


The Network of Studies of Cuban and Latin American Cultural Identity is created with the objective of uniting wills in the process of systematization, assessment and visibility of existing research results and envisions the conception of new research nuclei in the analysis of the complexity of the phenomenon. This article describes its structure: composed of a nucleus or foundational node to which five nodes are associated: educational institutions; childhood-youth; cultural practices-local development; tourism-heritage and the media of social communication; as well as its operation given by the relationships that are established among them.


The methodology used is qualitative. The participatory action research method is used, complemented with other empirical methods and modeling to formalize and give concreteness to the Network.


Theoretical methodological design of the Network of Studies of Cuban and Latin American Cultural Identity, as well as the determination of bases for the creation of an Identity Observatory. As some conclusions the network turns the diversity and complexity of the studies about cultural identity into a fortress for the production of scientific knowledge in a collaborative environment that allows and encourages the flow and visibility of research results.

Palabras clave : network of studies; cultural identity; Cuban thought; heritage; youth studies.

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