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Educación Médica Superior

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2902


RAMOS ROBLEDO, Alejandro; MEIJIDES-MEJIAS, Christian; LEYVA-HERNANDEZ, Luis Manuel  y  DORTA CONTRERAS, Alberto Juan. Student teachers as future professors. Educ Med Super [online]. 2020, vol.34, n.3  Epub 30-Oct-2020. ISSN 1561-2902.


The student teacher movement appeared several decades ago in Cuba as one of the main strengths of Cuban university education.


To expose a group of student teachers’ innovative experiences in the last eight years as future teachers.


The qualitative methodology was used, which included the interview, documentary analysis and focus groups, in order to present the innovative experiences concerning the performance of a group of student teachers at Central Laboratory of Cerebrospinal Fluid.


The student teachers produced 67 publications, nationally and internationally, and participated in 44 congresses, either in Cuba and abroad, between 2015 and 2019. This was achieved with the combination of research tasks, as well as teaching practiced in Cuba and in Spain. Students from the United States, Germany and Spain have joined the work of student teachers. Community activities for youth and children have also been carried out together with the Cuban Academy of Sciences.


The protagonist of student teachers has allowed them to set the foundations of their training as future leaders of the next generation, based on innovative and sustainable modes and better results in training, which enables them to face new challenges.

Palabras clave : student teacher; teaching; research; educational model; innovation.

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