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vol.34 número2Análisis multivariado de datos como soporte a la decisión en la selección de estudiantes en proyectos de softwareFuncionalidades de Sistemas de Planificación de Recursos Empresariales para Cadenas de Suministro: Functionalities of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems for Supply Chain Integration índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ingeniería Industrial

versión On-line ISSN 1815-5936


ESCALERA-FARINAS, Annalay  y  BALDOQUIN-DE LA PENA, María Gulnara. Decision support system for the clustering of BRASCUBA S.A.´s customers. Ing. Ind. [online]. 2013, vol.34, n.2, pp. 143-154. ISSN 1815-5936.

A decision support system is presented for clustering clients in distribution areas, due to a real logistical problem of BRASCUBA S.A. company, related to the distribution and commercialization of cigarettes. The fundamental functionalities, as well as the main screens of the system, are shown. A group of methods elaborated for customers' clustering was used, because it is not possible to use the existent classic methods of cluster, due to the additional requirements that the organization´s problem presents, of capacity of each cluster. The result is a desktop application, designed to be used on platform Windows, with which the user can interact in a simple way through a system agent and generator of dialogues. The methodology and notations used in the design of the system are described. The directive of BRASCUBA gave positive valuations of the work, which can be used by other companies with similar cluster's problems.

Palabras clave : decision support system; clustering; distribution.

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