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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X


PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, Alexis et al. Upper digestive tract disorders and Helicobacter pylori infection in the renal transplant patient at the National Institute of Nephrology 2002-2005 . Rev cubana med [online]. 2007, vol.46, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-302X.

A prospective, descriptive and observational study was conducted on all the renal transplant recipients at the Institute of Nephrology from 2002 to 2004. Gastroduodenoscopy in addition to an urease test were performed to diagnose Helicobacter pylori and associated alterations in the first month of transplantation, and then they were repeated six and 12 months afterwards. The infection prevalence rate was 34,1 per 100 patients. It was more frequent in the 40-49 years age group. The most significant infection-associated digestive disorders were erythematous gastritis and duodenal ulcer. It was demonstrated that all the treated patients managed to get over the infection and only one patient with associated digestive alteration did not suceed.

Palabras clave : Helicobacter pylori; renal transplant.

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