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vol.50 número3La endocarditis infecciosa sigue desafiando a la clínica modernaPresentación de un caso clínico de atrofia multisistémica y actualización de criterios diagnósticos: A clinical case presentation índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7523


PEREZ CABALLERO, Manuel Delfín; LEON ALVAREZ, Jorge Luis  y  FERNANDEZ ARIAS, Manuel Antonio. The high blood pressure control: A problem not solved. Rev cubana med [online]. 2011, vol.50, n.3, pp. 311-323. ISSN 0034-7523.

The aim of present paper is to analyze the poor control of high blood pressure reported in many countries at world scale. The criteria followed to consider that a patient be hypertensive and under control were clarified and some papers related to a research on the high blood pressure prevalence and the control percentage in different populations were reviewed. Author's experiences with the formalized care of refractory high blood pressure as expression of a inappropriate control of this affection designating the main situations or causes falling into the poor control of this disease by patient on the one hand and by physician by the other. We emphasize on the need that the health systems of the countries give priority to high blood pressure care with the involvement of patient and a greater preoccupation by the physicians and institutions to guarantee a better and more effective care to those cases with difficulties in the control of its affection.

Palabras clave : High blood pressure control; refractory high blood pressure.

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