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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3046


RODRIGUEZ COLLAR, Tomás Lázaro; GARCIA MONZON, José Antonio; PEREZ PEREZ, Mirel  y  NAGUA VALENCIA, Miguel Ángel. Giant congenital vesical diverticulum. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2010, vol.39, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3046.

Congenital vesical diverticula are infrequent. In adult persons generally are detected in association with obstructive factors for vesical outlet with a recurrent urinary sepsis as manifestation in most cases. This is the case of a male patient aged 67 seen in consultation due to repeated low urinary infections. In physical examination was confirmed the presence of a 10 cm ovoid, mobile and no-painful tumor and with a dull sound to percussion in hypogastrium projection and lateralized to left; at rectal tactus it was of normal size and with a fibroelastic consistency. Ultrasound, urethrocystography and computerized axial tomography evidenced a giant vesical diverticulum with its neck to left lateral wall of bladder confirmed by cystoscopy and exeresis by conventional surgery. Histopathological report showed the presence of mucous and muscular layers, and adventitia in its wall, thus confirming its congenital origin. Patient's course was satisfactory. Total exeresis of big congenital vesical diverticula is the definite solution for those patients presenting with recurrent urinary sepsis in the absence of obstructive factors to vesical voiding.

Palabras clave : Vesical congenital anomaly; giant vesical diverticulum; recurrent urinary infection.

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