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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3046


POZO CALDERON, Mileydis et al. Presence of a foreign body in airways in differential diagnosis of an endobronchial lesion. Rev Cub Med Mil [online]. 2010, vol.39, n.2, pp. 157-162. ISSN 1561-3046.

OBJECTIVE: to show the difficulty to diagnose a foreign body as cause of respiratory infection and dyspnoea in an adult patient and to describe the remove manoeuvre. DESCRIPTION: this is the case of a male patient aged 50 with a history of epilepsy, convulsions and falls over. He was treated due to repeated bronchopneumonia episodes without solution of clinical picture. In follow-up he was diagnosed of pulmonary tumor with inflammatory lesions added on top of the tomography, thorax X-rays and bronchoscopy results and taking into account the background of a convulsion episode before the respiratory picture and after repetition of studies, the presence of a foreign body in airways was diagnosed. INTERVENTION: a bronchoscopy with fibro-bronchoscope was performed with patient in maximal Trendelemburg position to move the foreign body removing it in block (bronchoscope and endotracheal tube) up to subglottic region. Due to the large size of the foreign body to be passed by the endotracheal tube, it was necessary to the extubation and in a fast manoeuvre the surgical instruments were introduced into the larynx and using a crocodile tongs, it was possible to extract a 3.1 cm calculus. The patient was discharged without complications. CONCLUSIONS: in the case of a patient presenting with cough and dyspnoea after a convulsion picture or consciousness loss, it is essential to take into account the diagnosis of the foreign body remove which is the definitive solution.

Palabras clave : Airways foreign body; foreign body bronchoaspiration.

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