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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


CARMENATE RODRIGUEZ., Iris Dany  y  RODRIGUEZ CORDERO., Arnel. Psychological impact on children with autism spectrum disorder during covid-19 confinement. Multimed [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.3, pp. 690-707.  Epub 25-Mayo-2020. ISSN 1028-4818.


the world is experiencing a complex situation related to COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, Cuba is not exempt from this situation. Along with this pandemic, psychological disorders related to illness and confinement appear. Children with mental disorders are highly vulnerable. The management of the disruptive behaviors that occur disturbs the child and the adult who faces the contingency who has failures to face and resolve them.


to describe the psychological disturbances of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders during confinement by COVID-19 and to stimulate the family to self-manage psychological resources to control misbehaviors.


a bibliographic search was performed in Medline / Pubmed, Elseiver, Scielo and Google academic databases. Descriptors such as pandemic, confinement, Autism spectrum disorders, mental health were used.


it was found that during critical situations such as this pandemic, there are alterations in the mental health of children with Autism spectrum disorders. Aggression, sleep disorders, irritability, screaming and the appearance of stereotypical behaviors are the most frequent. Confinement can be very complex for the autistic child who reacts disproportionately to changes in his daily routine.


providing a characterization of the manifestations in children with this disorder from confinement by COVID-19 and providing psychological resources and general guidelines to parents for immediate attention to the alterations presented by these children to better cope with the period of confinement.

Palabras clave : Pandemic; Confinement, Autism spectrum disorders; Mental health.

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