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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3003


OJEDA DEL VALLE, Mayra. Health, environment and development: report of an investigation on school health. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2012, vol.50, n.3, pp. 392-402. ISSN 1561-3003.

An account on health and environment as well as its impact on the school and is given to the terminology used over several decades, namely: social medicine, health/disease, preventive medicine, pollution, public health, development, poverty, population, among other concepts. Special emphasis is on the close relationship between environment and population health, most notably on the health of school children. Also its described the strategy of integrated activities designed to identify and prevent factors associated with health and learning of students and the promotion and health education in this important sector of the population.

Palabras clave : school health; environmental health; integrated action strategy; environment and development.

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