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Revista Cubana de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

versión On-line ISSN 1682-0037


FERNANDEZ MONTEQUIN, José I.; LA O HERNANDEZ, Elsa  y  SUEN DIAZ, Juan Enrique. Stimul W® and Heberprot-P® combined for treating diabetic foot ulcer. Rev Cubana Angiol Cir Vasc [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.1  Epub 15-Abr-2021. ISSN 1682-0037.


Diabetic foot ulcers are the most frequent complications in people with diabetes. Different forms of treatment for this disease are known, with more or less effectiveness; but they do not solve the problem in all cases. The electrical stimulator Stimul W® and the drug Heberprot-P® have been used independently, and with satisfactory outcomes, as alternatives for the treatment of these lesions. Checking whether the combined action of both procedures allows to achieve better outcomes would contribute to solve a problem of high worldwide prevalence.


To present the outcomes of applying the combination of the stimulator Stimul W® and the drug Heberprot-P® for treating a patient with diabetic foot ulcer.

Case presentation:

A 69-year-old male patient, with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who presented with a diabetic foot ulcer on the outside of the right foot, with abundant necrotic tissue in the form of a fistula at the base of the two remaining toes and lack of granulation. The previous treatments did not permit the expected outcomes. It was decided, as a healing therapy, to apply the combination of the stimulator Stimul W® and the drug Heberprot-P® for twelve sessions.


Healing of the lesion was achieved by obtaining 100% granulation tissue and a significant reduction in its dimensions, which showed that the applied therapy constitutes an alternative for the treatment of this type of ulcer.

Palabras clave : diabetic foot ulcer; electric stimulation; diabetes mellitus; epidermal growth factor; Heberprot-P®; Stimul W®.

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