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Ciencia y Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 2223-1773

Ciencia y Deporte vol.7 no.1 Camagüey ene.-abr. 2022  Epub 12-Abr-2022 

Original article

Documentary review of the professional profile in the sports administrator

0000-0001-5119-8916Jayson Andrey Bernate1  * 

1Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios Sede Principal, Facultad de Educación. LEFI. Bogotá, Colombia.


The objective of this article is to investigate the profile of the sports administrator and in the same way to conceptually approach the parameters that sports entities require, taking into account different factors and strategies, the methodology developed was the documentary review, as the main result is the authors agree that there is a high percentage of sports administrators in office having an undergraduate degree other than sports administration as an academic background, as the main conclusion it is important and imperative that there are more opportunities for academic and professional technical preparation for people who want to occupy administrative positions in sports areas, in addition to financial support from government entities.

Key words: sports administration; sport management; professional skills.


A sports administrator should know how to organize, plan, direct, and control, as their basic functions for sports managers to make good decisions in sports clubs. These four functions require administrators who can handle and work under pressure derived from the daily complexities of professional action. Hence, it is necessary for managers to acquire the required mental strength to address any type of situation. According to Goleman, emotional intelligence “is the capacity of humans to control and regulate the feelings of oneself and those of the others, and use emotion and feeling as a guiding element of thoughts and actions.” (Ortega, Arrebola, Valero, Garófano, Martínez & Molina, 2018, p. 140).

In other words, if a sports administrator knows how to handle difficult situations by integrating emotional intelligence, their actions will be objective to have the capacity of controlling thinking that leads to timely decision-making. If a truly professional person is in charge or if in the sports entity recommendation or physical aspects prevail, because that is the image many have of a company. The factors that might influence on the demand every sports company should meet not only are physical or depend on the people in charge, but also on the economic and social status a particular group is involved. Sports activities require social, cultural, and legal conditions of their own, the basic principles to build an organizational structure that facilitates effective and continuous engagement of athletes, clubs, teams, and practically, sports, in general, through effectively organized sports events (Carranza, 2015; Bernate et al., 2020), as a result of some issues that might emerge during management. This bibliographic review was done to identify the ideal profile of a sports administrator, considering several characteristics of different authors which are more relevant for such an important post.

To contextualize this article, it is critical to have a concept that defines Administration, assuming the problems observed in sports clubs, using strategies that facilitate development and the most influential factors for that profile within society. Apart from the importance of acquiring proper administrative management in favor of continuous athlete improvement and/or sports entities. In other words, it entails managing an administration by OPA goals, supported by strategies, to promote motivation, and variables to solve and advance as a sports entity. This review looks to identify the ideal professional profile of a sports administration through analysis of the sources found, and what are the needs of sports clubs in today’s sports

Sports management, according to García & Burillo (2017) is “an active, systematic, and rigorous process of query where decisions are made.” (p. 88). In sports administration there must be innovating ideas that emerge with results, according to Moreno & Suarez. (2017) “The new demands of customers have pressed the sports sector to start profound remodeling of its structures, with special emphasis on service quality.” (p.102), considering that it can thoroughly help different sports clubs in hiring, with a designated profile, depending on the goals and achievements desired by the clubs. (Bernate et al., 2020)

Administration as a decision-making process to fulfill goals and the utilization of individual, family, group, organizational or social resources, by means of planning, organizing, leading, managing, and controlling these resources, whose importance lies in the impact on the performance of these organizations. (Vega, 2016, p. 17).

Principally, a sports administrator must have the capacity of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in their profession. What is the specific role of the sports administrator? According to Gutiérrez (2010), “Any entity linked to the promotion of sports or similar manifestation will have to see basically to, reach organizational objectives and goals, managing human resources, managing financial resources, generally.” (p. 118); that is, the first responsible person to acquire that responsibility is the sports administrator. Gutiérrez stresses that the additional tasks mean that everything should work out the best possible way; for instance, to design strategies, resources until new leaders are entitled, who should be able of shaping the objective, taking into account different opinions of the leaders appointed as professors in charge of a group, human talent, and the captain of the team. Bernate et al. (2020). This example shows the 4 functions to perform within that profile; it states an idea, organizes it with several points of view, and finally controls it so that everything continues to work out according to the final objective. Administration is global, though planning, organizing, leading, and controlling is different in a sports facility from planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a company, Betancourt et al. (2020).

It is logical to think that in this setting and institutions; a single person has the responsibility of managing and running the place. To carry out these responsibilities it is important to know the organization through these questions: Is the organization to be run reputable? Is it known in the world of sports? (...) (Betancur, 2010, p. 106).

The questions asked by the author: Does the facility have good reputation? Is it known in the world of sports? Is the quality of services known? Is it seen by other organizations as a competitive institution? Do I fit within the profile of this institution? Is the staff satisfied? Gutierrez notes that these questions are curious and logical, but from a different perspective, a sports administrator should also have a clear profile of the company, club or company where they will perform their job. In other terms, this type of hiring must be very specific when offering a job opening. Why? It could save time, additionally, the strategy of the applicant can give the manager a clear type of profile as indicated to fulfill the final objective, or if the club requires someone with experience, or someone new with innovating ideas. (Bernate et al., 2019)

In the world of sports management, research on customer satisfaction with the sports services and facilities is especially relevant (López, 2016). It is the fundamental element to keep the levels of physical activity and sports from dropping. Recent studies have shown that the level of physical activity in Murcia is way below the recommendations of the World Health Organization. (López et al, 2016 a, b).

Periodically, the users of sports entities are required to respond to surveys that measure the level of satisfaction they receive; otherwise something would be failing in the practice of management, as sports administration is a relatively new science (Pejerrey, 2017; Bernate et al., 2019). Athletes need to see progressive changes in motivation given by administrations, and in the part related to training, meeting expectations, and having an excellent work team made of teachers and administrators. According to Sarmiento, López, Sánchez & Suárez. (2016), “One of the most commonly used strategies in management to figure out the internal weaknesses of a company consists in the SWOT matrix analysis” (p. 27). In that case, the sports administrator must consider the weaknesses, threats, strengths, and opportunities, and articulate them with the four main characteristics of administering: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Knowing the context in which the managers will work has a vital importance. However, the sports entity must know the strengths of the applicants; it is a strategy of the entity to not forget the capacity of the manager when it is time to administer. Such self-assessment helps identify short, mid, and long-term strategies. (Bernate et al., 2019)

The EFQM model is based on self-assessment, an exercise through which the organization compares with a model of excellency and obtains the strong points and areas of improvements in relation to such model. It is an excellent starting point for the business planning process, since the strengths and areas of improvement permit the identification of improvement plans that would be an integrating part of business plans in the short, mid, and long-terms, which must make the organization more (…) (Moreno & Suárez, 2016, p. 103)

This model is used to render a different service in the municipalities that translates “The model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)”. It is done to evaluate the excellence of the service offered in the administrative side of sports, in order to recognize the aspects to be improved, so that with every decision made excellency can be accomplished, as stated by Moreno and Suarez (2017). It not only involves athletes, but all those who make the job environment offer unique experiences. The person in charge of administration should have the capacity of adapting these tools to their priority as the goal of the club, and fit the ideal profile so that the sports entity benefits in terms of results. Likewise, the research tool used can tell what is more relevant; either the study or the political positions that lead to easier hiring. (Bernate et al., 2019)

Physical activity and sports are the main part of the Peverley sports manager, as stated by the authors. It facilitates decision-making since they help integration. It deals with proper argumentation so these innovating projects can be approved by the community, with special emphasis on the needs of the sports club. The integration strategy to shape the ideal profile of a sports administrator is critical, it is given to all the members of the club. Considering that the ideal profile is being competent in every aspect. (Bernate and Vargas, 2020)

Companies as individuals who administer it are compelled to perform significant changes through time. However, the fundamental values established by shareholders, managers, and administrators in their vision and mission can remain unchangeable. (Camacho, 2014, p. 8).

Materials and methods

Bernate and Tarazona (2020) claim that documentary review is a technique that collects written information about a given topic with the purpose of giving variables directly or indirectly related to the topic established. These relations, postures, or stages are then associated, to show their effects on this topic theoretically.

Results and discussion


One of the most relevant problematics arisen from various studies about hiring, normally is political influence, since it has a considerable weight when making decisions. In addition to it, there is evidence of the system used often, people hired have little knowledge or skills to offer reliability to any kind of club. (Rojas et al., 2019)

Sports directors have faced two big issues: one refers to the origin, the people hired for these positions are more influenced by politics and lack extensive knowledge about the functions and abilities of the sector; the other, is in relation to education, as the current directors lack academic education that grant them the necessary competencies to conduct proper management (or quality management). They normally meet the required 40 hours of work, according to Resolution 547, 2010, from the Ministry of Culture-Coldeportes. (Rodríguez, 2015, p. 92).

Rodríguez (2015) made valid assertions, from a structural perspective, especially in the case of Resolution 547, 2010, from the Ministry of Culture-Coldeports. It is possible that some holding this position do not meet the 40 hours that can grant them the level of competencies required for optimum management, which can be a starting point for efficient management, as important as sports management is, because this person is putting the name of the club, company or institute at risk. The results depend on the excellent arrangement given in all the economically critical situations, or any other type of development that may arise. If there is excellent arrangement from every organizational area the likelihood of issue occurrence must decrease. (Urrea et al., 2020)

The ten-year plan of Colombia for sports, recreation, physical activity, and Physical Education (2009-2019) confirmed that this type of posts requires competent staff, and the profile of the applicants should be known clearly. According to Rodríguez (2015), 50 % of managers of the Cauca Valley Sports Leagues and presidents of the Cali Soccer Clubs are professional (p 93)”, but there is a high percent of those who only are technicians, and still they manage clubs. “Of all the managers interviewed, 70 % does not have a post with graduate education”. Is it that there are not good opportunities in Colombia to prepare for sports administration? Quite a few studies clearly show that most people in managing have a completely different profession from that of an administrator, as stated in the international journal of law and sports management in a questionnaire.

Regarding federations, it is noteworthy that in 50 % (16) of them employ a person other than the manager (a secretary in many cases), the person who takes up managing assignments. Of all the federations, 34 % (11) of this figure exist, and in 16 % of them it is the president who engages in these tasks, besides assuming the presidency of the autonomous federation. (Tafalla, Moreno & Liceras, 2010, p. 34).

In other words, the most serious problem is the absence of good results in any sports entity, which is inherited by the person in charge of running the club, since they lack the necessary competencies to run a post. An empirical person should be in charge of handling the previously mentioned situations. This is where the main interest in knowing how sports entities are receiving all the applicants for a post as a sports administrator. Perhaps they welcome them with good recommendations, but their level of academic training is not indispensable or relevant as it should be if the sports entity really desires to achieve good results. Based on Resolution 547, 2010, from the Ministry of Culture-Sports, the minimum requirement for a sports manager to have the opportunity of being in the post is 40 hours of labor, which is little time to establish such a post, and would create problems.

Other main problems deal with knowing how to handle expenses and costs of the sports entity, sometimes because there is an intention to make everything look perfect in terms of management by the administrator. Investing is right, but the budget of the sports institution must be considered to know clearly how and what the money is used for. According to Puyana, Ruiz, Oliver & Rodríguez (2018): “A faulty arrangement due to the lack of liquidity can male disappear any organization.” (p.5) It is completely true that a faulty arrangement and bad decisions can terminate a whole project generated by an administrator; it normally happens when there is a shift in managing that entails different ideas that when put into practice, do yield the best results.

The debt seems to depend on the sector in which the activity takes place. In this sense, Segura and Toledo (2003) point out that smaller companies in the manufacturing sector perform their activities with debt levels higher than the larger organizations. Moreover, debt also is caused by geographic location criteria. (Puyana, Ruiz, Oliver & Rodríguez, 2018, p. 42).

This data is important, it shows evidence that smaller companies tend to acquire debts for clear reasons, structure, and slow evolution, which do not let them save money. On the contrary, they need to be proactive, manage products and innovating offers for athletes, and create confidence among customers. In these critical moments, the sports entity needs a suitable administrator who can manage without getting into debts over unnecessary things. The profile of a sports administrator, according to interviews with the club presidents; half the money they use for other activities in order to make progress does not return because it is not used very appropriately.

Therefore, a question arises: What is the profile of a sports administrator preferred by the sports institutions or clubs that need to hire one? Administration by objectives (APO) became popular thanks to Peter Drucker in his 1954 book; it includes 4 common elements: specific goals, participatory decision-making, explicit period of time, and performance feedback. One of the most commonly used, the administration by objectives where normally general objectives are turned into specific objectives, feedback evaluates how much assertiveness it acquired, and the results must be self-explanatory.

Sports management is the key point of an administrator, especially in management, where marketing and strategies are reflected, one of the most complicated requirements. It occurs because first, work must be done in favor of objective and/or goal fulfillment; secondly, thanks to proper management of economic resources; that is, optimum management of human talent using money appropriately for investment or participation in a tournament.

This form of intervention is similar to the sport of golf, it does not matter how it was done, but how many holes were made; the ball could go to the right, cross the lake, hit a tree, rebound back to the fairway, then hit a rock and finally fall into the hole. Despite all these acrobatics of the ball, the score will only show one point, which tells us that management is measured by the achievements. (Gutiérrez, 2007, p. 21).

If an administrator performs several activities to meet an objective, but it does not work, that person may not be competent, with skills that help them progress. On the other hand, if the administrator performs a single action that makes progress by fulfilling the objective established by any club, he or she will create a better administrative organization.

Influential factors

The influential factors are concrete characteristics, depending on the need of sports entities with a prevalence of social, cultural, and economic contexts. In order for a sports administrator to be reliable, it is important to show proper body expression and know how to express ideas that can be established; if an applicant lives with a low income, this factor may not benefit the sports entity, only by his physical appearance. There are also expertise and technical factors that demand entities to have a support by being an applicant for the position of sports administrator who is competent for the post.

Physical appearance is an important factor, some see it as the image of the club, for instance. But if a body image does not coincide with language articulation or expression when addressing any type of population, the manager cannot convince without presenting a possible innovating idea, that is not proactive. In this case, physical appearance may not be indispensable, but it plays an important role, along with the hygiene that shows the social stratus of the applicant, not so much for their personal appearance, but the way of expressing ideas in different situations.

The process of sports management entails coordinated performance (interdependent) of different primary or secondary elements (Mestre & Cervera, 2006). Within the primary elements are the social sport’s needs, sports technicians, sports facilities, sports organizations (and the people in charge of them), sports managers, planning as a working method, sports legislation (and non-sports legislation applied to sports), and sports values (…) (García & Fernández, 2009, p. 15)

Several authors agree that requirements must be met through excellent management for the benefit of all. In this case, technical directors, players, psychologists, and facilities, since it improves the quality of service and respect to the marketing, as it would overcome the economic expectations with the good ideas of the new administrator.

There are a series of internal factors for a strategic plan to cover the true needs and focuses on the recognition of the vision and mission, transmitting a feeling of belonging toward the sports entity. A sports administrator having the ideal profile should put into practice what they know and promise, and always keep their word, in the same way the very important factors to ease the work must be taken into account. According to González and Suárez (2012). These internal and external factors are essential for the proper organization of sports events. (Economic factor, infrastructure factor and equipment, impact factor, technical factor, organizational factor, experience factor, time factor, own resources factor, opportunity cost factor, uncertainty factor.” (p. 146)

This figure has gained more relevance in the development and progress of physical activity in municipalities. Not only due to its legal obligations toward citizens, but also because of the need to improve the level of life quality through efficiency and efficacy in all the tasks that make up the profession of the sports manager in municipalities. (Burillo, P., Gallardo, A., Gallardo, L. 2011 p. 98).

Sports management according to García, P & Burillo, P. (2017) is “an active, systematic, and rigorous process of query where decisions are made.” (p. 88), which has contributed to evolution in recent years. The acquisition of development derived from the need to play sports, and mainly because of greater professionalization of managers, an important social change, and growing economic investment, both public and private Arocas (2006). That is what the advancement in this important field is all about; if good management can emphasize and be compatible with all the sports entity, the most certain to happen is that everything flows; the sports manager must guarantee good tournaments, for instance, motivate them, promote them, and be able to choose the facilities very well. That is, when marketing is necessary as a fundamental tool, if the sports administrator does not offer the sports entity proper facilities, probably the customers will flee to other places where they can receive sports advancement, as most athletes require.

According to Carranza (2015). “The employees and people to be treated are totally different, though the two parties must have an objective to achieve proper work.” (p.54)

South American students are mostly focused on physical education, recreation, kinesiology, sports, administration or coaching. Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia are the only Latin American countries that offer postgraduate courses in sports management, and the Latin American Association of Sports Management (ALGEDE) (…) (Carranza, 2015, p. 30)

Carranza assures that good preparation is becoming fundamental to run sports facilities. Most sports directors know basic sports concepts and had experience as players, which makes them skilled to run sports entities (former soccer players, Physical Education Teachers, physiotherapists, etc.). Consequently, there are not enough places to acquire a good preparation and obtain the ideal profile of a sports administrator. This issue leads to faulty financial management, according to Carrero & Alvites (2014), the importance of administering money and successful investment. “To conduct a theoretical analysis of the financial structure of companies, the optimum structure will be one that maximizes the market value of the company, and minimizes cost of capital.” (p. 62)

Higher education as the initial training of future professionals of different areas of knowledge is essential for society, being a fundamental element for the development of a country. Universities must improve their syllabi constantly, to reach excellency and respond to the social demands. The new contexts entail greater complexity of the challenges faced by the future (…) (Moreno, Baños & Pérez, 2016, p. 103).

In the administrative area it is important to be a professional, but above all, to have knowledge of sports; for instance, as Moreno, Baños & Pérez note, “The initial education of graduates in Sports Sciences is directed to providing them the necessary tools.” (p.102). If articulated with the importance of managing a sports entity properly, these tools are advantageous when knowledge must be put into practice. It is important to be well trained to administer a sports entity, especially to adapt to the ideal profile of a sports administrator, which is necessary for cities and countries with amateur clubs. It is not only administrating, but also perceiving the satisfaction from customers resulting from the administrative labor that the manager is performing. According to Chueca, Elasri, & Ivern, (2018), “Managing the satisfaction perceived by the client is an indirect for quality management in the sector of services and sports”. (p. 27)

Scientific management needs accuracy of statistics, mathematics, and high technology to achieve more efficient management. The introduction of computers and robots has given a significant push to operations like good manufacturing. (Acosta, 2005, p. 218).

Scientific management is accurate, as stated by Reyes (2012), and it is effective to obtain and compare results; this type of aid is used to why certain administrative or sports situation takes place. In short, it could be said that it is the nervous system of sports entities.

In the sports sector there is a great development concerning the change of status that sports have acquired in society, previously considered a way of using free time and now an indicator of social wellbeing and life quality. The behavior of users of sports services has changed in keeping with the sports movement. (Sánchez, López & Anguera, 2014, p. 201).

Leisure and recreation are factors of social construction, which are an essential aid to sports entities. According to Hevia (2010, p.3) “Leisure configures the moments in which we attend internal and common demands, a time to recognize and develop potentialities.” In other words, what Hevia points out is highly important, since in sports, an administrator that uses free time and leisure for the benefit of users is offering quality services, and wellbeing, but customers, especially, are satisfied because they are going to practice their favorite sport in a space available to all athletes. The merit of an excellent administrator is to manage and study all the possibilities. Free time should be a benefit to all sports managers, especially the utilization of every space so that they can educate to inculcate new knowledge and strategies, and to shape the ideal profile of a sports administrator.


Motivation is fundamental. It helps identify the problems of the club and provide immediate solutions, using clear strategies that help call the attention of external customers; that is, producing activities in sports facilities aiming to idealize and build customer loyalty, make them feel important, make them feel they are the first. To be more specific, if the players of the sports entity that belong to a club are unmotivated because of the administration, they will find other opportunities in a different sector. The most probable thing is that as a result of bad strategies and lack of managing diversity, the club falls into an organizational level that affects its economy. The management strategy, according to Pérez & Camacho, (2014. “Today, companies, profitable or not, must have strategies that allow them to fulfill their objectives, and consequently, accomplish their tasks guided by a strategic plan.” (p. 9)

Most research done did not focus on the demand, but on the effects of this type of training on the psychological health (González-Cutre & Sicilia, 2012) or physical health (Sternlicht, Frisch, & Sumida, 2013) of people, with the completion of certain training systems, such as Zumba® (Delextrat & Neupert, 2016; Sternlicht et al., 2013) or Bodypump® (Greco et al., 2011).

Implementing these sports variables is important for any sport. For instance, physical training should not be done at all times, the body needs rests, integration activities, proper management in exiting, as stated by González & Sicilia, (2012), the psychological health, not just for athletes, but for all the staff of the sports entity. Developing various types of strategies is an effective solution for the company, but especially because it becomes a threat to other companies. This strategy must include the vision-mission-end, not just the idea, but its implementation. It paves the way for competitive advantages over other sports entities. (González & Suarez, 2012)

This model is used to render a different service in the municipalities that translates “The model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)”. It is done to evaluate the excellence of the service offered in the administrative side of sports, in order to recognize the aspects to be improved, so that with every decision made excellency can be accomplished, as stated by Moreno and Suarez (2017). It not only involves athletes, but all those who make the job environment to offer unique experiences. The person in charge of administration management should have the capacity of adapting these tools to their priority as the goal of the club, and fit the ideal profile so that the sports entity benefits in terms of results. An administrator must adapt to the policies of the company and its strategies, and to adapt the strategies of the company in favor of innovating ideas. According to García, Fernández, Pereira & Caralho (2014), “According to the strategy of the company, by selecting, hiring, educating, developing, evaluating performance, and recognizing the people, thus creating a culture of learning” (p.947)

Internationally, the topic of integration of scientific activity to the main objectives of organizations of physical and sports activities, is considered essential. Countries like Cuba and Ecuador are developing various actions associated with science and innovation management with a strategic integration approach that also impacts on physical activity and sports. In this sense, this paper shows the design of a management model for ex ante assessment by (…) (Rodríguez, Córdova, Morales, Recalde, & Delgado. 2015, p. 1)

Consequently, it is important to highlight the findings of Camacho in his thesis, in relation to significant changes to position the sports brand or entity, stipulating and considering economic cost-effectiveness of the sports company. According to Camacho (2014), “If companies long for success, they must form a spirit of leadership and governability that encourages strategic plans that offer solutions, without focusing only on the top posts of the scale of executives, administrators, the finances, control, and management. (p9)”. An important strategy in the world of administration is that the sports manager presents initiatives to recommend strategic plans and project them in favor of the excellent development of the sports club.

The twenty-first century welcomes sports marketing as the large club’s sophisticate their performances in this topic, the modest clubs strive to consolidate their functional areas of communication and marketing, assigning human resources permanently. However, the growth of sports organizations does not prevent constant financial deficit in recent years, the circle of a new managing discipline of communication and marketing of sports communication has been narrowed (…) (Peris, 2013, p. 128).

Peris claimed that marketing strategy would go in concert with assertive communication, since all types of organizational process needs a strategic plan, tactics, and most importantly, putting the plan suggested by a sports administrator into practice. The sports administrator is not just a mere administrator. According to Peris (2013) “The establishment of objectives, the selection of a strategy, its implementation and evaluation are four unavoidable steps for any organizational setting.” (p. 16). The skills associated with knowing how to manage the four indispensable steps must be clear, and the sports entity should see it as ideal profile for a sports administrator. Systemic and strategic thinking According to Reyes (2012), “The set of cognitive elements that strengthen corporative identity, the sense of team work, and cooperation make up an institution that must contribute to the promotion of systems and procedures, makes innovation possible, and constant and pertinent adaptation” (p.12)


The ideal profile of a sports administrator is competency; they must have the capacity of innovating from the organization, and being able to plan in any kind of society in which sports events stand out with the assistance of influential factors that generate the ideal profile of a sports manager, by making proper decisions. There will always be problems, forcing the person in charge to find solutions and know how to create different types of strategies, considering the different priority factors highlighted in the article. The problems cover from the financial situation of the sports entity to the poor organization and control that reflect the bad results. It is associated with the importance of knowing how to administer with proper knowledge of sports.

A sports administrator must be professional in his or her area of influence, but above all, sports entities must be aware of the fact that they require professionally skilled people. Considering that the study done by some authors evidenced a high percentage of people hired by sports entities with a completely different profession, making them clearly unsuitable for such an important post that provides benefits to athletes.

It is necessary to take the challenges so that a sports entity emerges, based on the motivation of the whole work team. In other words, each company is subject to analysis; surely, proper administrative management will show the members (athletes) results to stay in the same club. Through OPA, or objective mediated administration, a fundamental assistance can be provided for proper management. The sports entity will have clear objectives through motivation, detailed analysis, and competent professional in management and/or sports administration, the sports entity will succeed by implementing the findings of this study based on the bibliographic review, which consisted in approaching the ideal profile of a sports administrator. These aspects will encourage progress and excellent sports results.

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Received: September 29, 2021; Accepted: October 13, 2021

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