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 número294La nueva universidad cubana: entre la pedagogía y los estudios culturalesCapitalismo del conocimiento. Transición y contradicciones políticas en los Estados Unidos del siglo xxi índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Universidad de La Habana

versión On-line ISSN 0253-9276


BLANCO ENCINOSA, Lázaro J.. Great movements of humanity: Migrations, conquests and colonization’s. A contemporary vision (I). UH [online]. 2022, n.294  Epub 01-Jun-2022. ISSN 0253-9276.

The systematic migration seems one of normal status of human being. Since thousands of years the Earth had been populated by successive migrations from Africa, primary and original home of humankind. There were different kinds of migrations: peacefully or aggressive, voluntary or mandatory, individual or collective, temporary or permanent, etc. The human groups had colonized all new places, when they had settled. All countries that we know actually, had been created in that way. Some movements had been relevant, like migration of Jews to create Israel, the invasions of Mongolians, of Greeks, of Aztecs, of Incas, and of Spaniards. The slavery of Africans in América had been very outstanding. The Spaniard colonization of America was very remarkable. Today humanity is preparing to go towards other planet, like Moon or Mars. The history of this process not always had been understood and comprised.

Palabras clave : wars; culture; invasions; politic; history; empires; slavery..

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