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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versión On-line ISSN 1025-0255


SOLER SANCHEZ, Yudmila María; PEREZ ROSABAL, Elsa; LOPEZ SANCHEZ, Martha del Carmen  y  QUEZADA RODRIGUEZ, Daniel. Knowledge and self-care in patients with type 2 diabetes. AMC [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.3, pp. 244-252. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: within the health promotion, in diabetological education consideration of self-care is important, since this is related with the actions people take for the sake of their own health. It includes exercising, adequate nutrition, and self-care. Objective: to describe the level of knowledge on diabetes and self-care patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, who belong to Ángel Ortiz Vázquez health center, in Manzanillo municipality. Methods: a quantitative descriptive cross-section study was conducted. The universe was made up of 87 patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and who were diagnosed in that period. The sample was 22 patients. Level of knowledge about the disease, self-care, and ways of information on diabetes mellitus were the variables studied. A survey created by the authors of the research carried out on diabetic patients was the technique used to compile the information. Results: it was shown that the level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus is low (45, 45 %), 90.91 % present lack of self-care and ways to obtain the information that prevail are the mass media (81, 81 %), followed by health staff (77, 26 %) Conclusions: in general, patients suffering from type 2 diabetes presented lack of self-care and a low level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus. Thus, design and implementation of educative programs is recommended.


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