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vol.49 número2Hábitos, características psicosociales y resultados del aprendizaje en educandos de primaria en"Cayo Hueso", La HabanaMetamorfosis y emergencia de Aedes aegypti fuera del medio acuático y nuevo reporte de importancia entomológica y epidemiológica en Santiago de Cuba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3003


CUMBA ABREU, Caridad et al. The video games and the behavior of primary and basic secondary school students in the Centro Habana municipality during the course 2005-2006. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2011, vol.49, n.2, pp. 165-172. ISSN 1561-3003.

A case-control study was conducted in 3 311 children and adolescents (2 755 students of primary school and 556 of secondary school) from all the educational institutions of these teaching levels of the "Cayo Hueso" and "Colon" popular councils of the Centro Habana municipality from January to June, 2006. The objective of present paper was to determine the relationship between the use of video games and the effects on the behavior of children and adolescents from the educational institutions of the above mentioned teaching levels and popular councils. A survey was applied in all the mothers, which contained questions on the use of video games or "ataris", the times playing, elements of behavior of children such as violence, interpersonal relationships, anxiety and/or its impulsiveness. Selection of cases and control was from the responses given by student's mothers related to if they used or not the video games or "ataris" outside school in the spare time registered in the questionnaire. The main results included the association between the use of video games and a violent behavior and the difficulty of interpersonal relationships in primary school students, as well as the anxious and/or impulsive behavior which predominate in basic secondary students. Authors made recommendations in this respect.

Palabras clave : Video games; behavior.

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