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vol.19 número3Valores profesionales: su concreción en la transformación de concepciones alternativas de aprendizajeLa relación escuela-familia-comunidad en el caso de la deserción escolar femenina: análisis del discurso en el nivel Medio Superior índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696

Rev. Mendive vol.19 no.3 Pinar del Río jul.-set. 2021  Epub 02-Sep-2021


Original article

Validity of Che's political thought: the formation of values in the pedagogical university college

0000-0003-1328-5378Maite Naranjo Castilla1  * 

1 Universidad Máximo Gómez Baéz. Cuba.


Che's political thought is inherent in the Marxist argument. The universalization of teaching requires a professional who is increasingly better prepared to interpret, assess and explain reality and contribute to its transformation; he will be the bearer of moral values that will make him a professional of excellence. The objective of the work is to present a system of activities that contributes to promoting the formation of values in the pedagogical university college of the pre-university from the validity of Che's political thought. The materialist dialectic is used as a general method, allowing the study of the object as a process and the determination of its components, as well as its contradictions. The logical historical method was used as investigative methods and techniques to delve into Che's political thought, its regularities and qualities; documentary analysis, to obtain authentic and reliable information on the characteristics of the heroic guerrilla; the interviews with students, in order to analyze the level of knowledge about Che's political thought and the observation of extra-educational activities that made it possible to specify the diagnosis obtained. A system of activities was implemented that integrates the educational work of different socializing agents during extra-educational activities. Significant changes were made in the students' mode of action through the study of Che's political thought.

Key words: pedagogical University College; training; transformation; values


Education in Cuba can be considered as an unprecedented historical process in the world; it has had its maximum expression since the revolutionary triumph of January 1, 1959 with a tendency to permanent transformation and its logical improvement, to respond to the needs of today's society and its projection into the future. The conception of Ernesto Che Guevara on the role of the man in the construction of the new company's main stage the process Cuban revolutionary context in which reaches its revolutionary fullness and which has the possibility of putting into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired through his life.

Ernesto Che Guevara represents one of the most prominent ethical symbols in contemporary history. In this sense, in order to assume the commitment with the Heroic Guerrilla and what he represents, it is necessary to study his ideas in light of the challenges of our time, based on our responsibilities today and from a deep and conscious knowledge of his ethical legacy(Salles, M and Turro, M., 2015).

The arguments of the construction of socialism expressed by Che in the workThe Socialism and Man in Cubarepresent the maturity of the thinking of one of the most prominent theorists of the Cuban Revolution, which is an arsenal for the formation of values inherent to new generation in raising the cultural ideo politic and the formation of the professional of the higher education in current circumstances, where the teaching university has been extended to the entire Cuban geography giving opportunities to all young people to vocational training , through the process of universalization and a new comprehensive approach(Miranda, 1987).

The formation of values has a great significance in the current conditions of Cuban education, which requires an integrative approach to determine what is most valuable for the human being. In thePhilosophical Dictionary the followingis considered within the definition of values: "social determinations of the objects of the surrounding world, which reveal their positive or negative significance for man and society (good and bad, beautiful and ugly), that are contained in the phenomena of social life and nature"(Dictionary of Philosophy,1984). On the other hand, the Cuban philosopher José R. Fabelo Corzo states that " human worth is the socially positive significance possessing phenomena and object s reality, not any significance, but one that plays a positive role and development society"(Fabelo. J, 1989).

Adopting this conception allows us to understand value as a unit of the objective and subjective, of the emotional and rational, which occurs on the basis of concrete historical human needs and demands, expressing it in values through interests, aspirations, achievements, objectives and purposes. The study of values from the philosophical, sociological and psychological plane allows us to understand this reality and unravel the nature of their formation in the personality, providing basic notions to the pedagogical sciences in their extraordinary mission to educate, in the instruction of thought and in the direction of feelings.

The formation of values can only be fully inserted if a project of society that contains it, that constitutes, where everyone has equal right to education, to culture, to life. The formation of values, therefore, is no stranger to this project of society, of man, a personal choice.

The population of culture and the effort to advance towards the objective indicated by our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, of making Cuba the most cultured country in the world, constitute fundamental supports in the battle of ideas that the Cuban people fought and that it became a supreme effort in raising the quality of education, starting point in the objective of achieving the most solid general and comprehensive culture.

In this sense, Che understood that, in the face of the new conditions, education should be projected with a new perspective, where young people would have as an essential task to study, prepare for the construction of that new society, developing conscience, organizing their actions towards good ends. Determined, developing new technologies to achieve increased productivity and production. All this would progressively imply equality, participation, responsibility, freedom and misalignment for man(Amaro, MC, 2015).

In this regard, education and culture can become a transforming and human force and social improvement if they are properly managed from socio economic permissible conditions. For this reason, Cuban society requires a professional who is increasingly better prepared, not only to interpret, assess and explain reality, but also to better contribute to its transformation; he will be the bearer of moral values that will make him an archetype of a superior being. Every educational process has explicit or implicit the training of the professional, which is composed of an instructive or capacitive process and the educational process, where each process is part of the whole and of the parts, that is, they are dimensions of a broader process(Marrero, M, Ocaña, M. and Rodríguez, T., 2019).

Che expresses the necessary dialectical unity that must exist between the creation of the technical- material base of socialism and the development of education, which contributes to the formation of a new consciousness and, consequently, a new man. It is about the Marxist - Leninist understanding that social being determines social consciousness and the transformation of both is simultaneous and occurs through practical activity (Santander, CM., 2018; Oduardo, A., 2018).

The conception of the new man in Che constitutes the foundation of the Guevara ethics. There is not a single analysis in his work in any of its edges: economic, political, military, artistic, cultural, etc. that does not have as a starting point and arrival to man, to human interest, to the development of consciousness, to the process self-education for the scope of their creative and multifaceted development. For this reason he declared: "To build communism, simultaneously with the material base, the new man must be made."

The transformation of man is associated with the formation of habits that become the daily mode of action of the different generations of a society, where the school at different levels, in correspondence with the necessary changes, plays a fundamental role.

It is precisely inthe socialism and the man in Cubawhere Che expresses the theoretical synthesis and methodological conception of ethics and ideological policy on the new society and the new man. In this regard, he points out: "The man of the 21st century is the one we must create, although it is still a subjective and not systematized aspiration, to the extent that we achieve concrete successes on a theoretical basis, or vice versa, (…) we will have made a valuable contribution to the Marxism Leninism, to the cause of humanity"(Miranda, 1987).

His ethical conception of the new man not only sets out the values that characterize the individual, but contemplates how, ways and methods for their formation and the dialectical relationship between these and the economic life of the country. In this sense, he makes it clear that the construction of socialism presupposes that production and education must be carried out simultaneously, since changes in the mentality of men are necessary to accelerate the transformation of society.

The concrete historical conditions of Cuban society in its movement and transformation and the state and functioning of social mechanisms, together with the set of exogenous factors linked to neoliberal globalization, hinder the full realization of Che's new man formation; however, it can be argued that given the objectivity of this conception, to the raise the formation of the new man as a process and identify the dialectic existing between this and the economic forms, they print out the possibility of its realization at the present time, because besides his idea is related to the objective of human improvement, necessary, since Cuba continues to strive to build a more just society and a fuller man.

The Guevara ethical conception on the formation of the new man is based on two essential elements: reeducate the adult man, since it is the individual who has been formed in the previous society who must transform society after the seizure of political power and to form the new generations, responsible to continue the revolutionary process: the man of the XXI century.

Forming the new man implies developing these "new habits", that is, achieving the consolidation of values, a process conditioned by the subject's social position and social changes that in turn generate better material and spiritual conditions of existence. It was clear to Che that the construction of socialism required the substantial improvement of the material conditions of life conditioned by the development of production and the application of advanced technique and technology, developing at the same time the consciousness of the individual.

For Che education plays a fundamental role as assistant to the state to train the new human type. The individual is involved as subject and object of education or as subject- object in the process in which, by transforming himself, he acts on others. The increase in consciousness, fostered by education, causes the new man to be born, which is increasingly realized in society, and that, through education, the conversion of socialist and communist attitudes into habits must be achieved.

Under the conditions of educational transformations, Che's political thought reaches a political dimension in the formation of values, contributes to the formation of revolutionary values linked to the development of national identity, supposes promoting knowledge and the defense of the national and international solidarity(Masó, C., Vega, M and Navarro, YC, 2020; Velázquez, RM, 2015).

Political activity must be aimed at satisfying the needs and interests of individuals and social groups, and these include the need to safeguard the achievements of our social project, national sovereignty , social justice and gradually achieve a culture policy of our future professionals, which is manifested in political attitudes and behaviors, and mainly tribute to the formation of the value of patriotism and possessing a national identity where other values, such as the solidarity, is present.

The students of the university pedagogical college have to be able to assume responsibilities towards their group, have qualities and disposition to occupy management positions in the student organization, plan activities that reinforce interpersonal relationships within the group; since student groups are also political communities and their actions in it prepare them for professional life.

The professional dignity is a quality of ethic character that portrays the system as a whole, indicates the pursuit of professionalism to the real success with a sense of national identity. In each dimension, multiple values can be found, each of which has its own meaning and conditions a student's performance in their training.

Precisely interpreted in this way, the value system through the dimensions, and hierarchizing the ethical and political values, allows to change the content and the meaning to values such as creativity, beauty, efficiency, etc.; the same way that the interpenetration of the rest of the dimensions, such as the technical and the intellectual, with a professional content, examples: efficiency, creativity, knowledge, innovation, etc. It allows giving a professional content to ethical values, such as honesty, modesty, solidarity, among others.

The dimensions are the axes of the value formation model and are nourished by a set of values to be developed, according to the pedagogical space in question; by themselves, each one forms a subsystem that is integrated into the entire system. For this reason, identifying said system and its contents are essential steps for the formation and development of values in the profession that is, defining a model in correspondence with society.

Che insisted on the need for the formation of a new mentality as political intentionality, hence the need to attract as many students as possible to guarantee the continuity of Revolution, based on the development of a new mentality.

Although Che referred to this new mentality because of the changes that took place as a result of the beginning of the Revolution in the material and spiritual life of the people, this idea remains fully valid, since the changes taking place in Cuba and in the world require today more than ever of a truly revolutionary student, which means being a creator, transformer, critic, self-critic and tireless seeker of truth with the aim of human improvement, characterized by a systemic quality, which is given by the very content of professional dignity.

All this translates into the moral attitude of the individual towards himself and of society towards him, it is the set of attitudes of respect for himself, the Homeland, the Revolution and humanity. So the purpose of this paper is to present a set of activities that contributed to enhance the formation of values in the college teaching of the urban high school in the municipality Bolivia, from the validity of the political thought of Che.

Materials and methods

The students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality were selected as the unit of study, made up of 18 students, who represent 100 % of the enrollment.

For the development of the tasks, the following research methods were used, which start from assuming the dialectical- materialist as a general method, allowing the study of the object as a process, the determination of its components, as well as its contradictions and the foundation of other methods used. Thus, it was used as a theoretical method historical - logical, to deepen the political thought of Che, as well as the regularities and qualities of reality in the new university.

The induction-deduction method was useful in the analysis of various problems in relation to the formation in values of the students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality, which made it possible to establish a more general problem, which was specified to develop directed activities to the strengthening of the ideo- political culture and the training of the higher education professional in the current circumstances. For its part, the analytical-synthetic method was used in the study of the factors that influence the formation of values, establishing the relationships and interactions that exist between them.

Essential empirical methods were also used for documentary analysis, which made it possible to obtain authentic and reliable information for the investigation; Surveys and interviews were applied to students and teachers, as well as observation of different extra- curricular activities, in order to analyze the manifestations of the process of formation of values in students, taking into account Che's political thought.

The observation allowed to precise the ideo politics diagnosis of the students of the college university urban pre - university teaching of the municipality of Bolivia, to evaluate in practice the mode of action in different scenarios. The interviews with teachers and students helped to delve into the causes that originate some behaviors not in accordance with Che's qualities and merits; In addition, they made it possible to know evaluations and judgments regarding the political thought of the Heroic Guerrilla. The surveys of students allowed knowing criteria about the life and work of Che, as well as his imprint on the new generations.


In the initial moments, when beginning the application of the instruments that allowed exploring reality, some barriers were presented in the communication with the students, which allowed a better entry into the field and obtain results that were an objective reflection of reality.

When applying the survey to the students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality, the situation that occurs is as follows.

100 % answer that it is necessary that more elements of the life and work of the heroes and martyrs of the homeland, and especially of Che, be made known, taking into account their personal and combatant characteristics. 90 % posed that textbooks are a very difficult way to get information, that it is necessary using other platforms to deepen in the knowledge and at the same time more attractive. 100 % responded that they were never prepared to use the figure of Che as a reference for the actions they carry out in the student institution or outside of it. The surveyed students know about Che, the place where he lived, and important information about his life through history classes, but they are unable to incorporate his qualities in a responsible manner into their way of acting.

They were observed a total of 20 extracurricular activities developed in the institution with students and some data that served as the basis for the issue of research were obtained: The values that on Che are used relate solely to internationalism and volunteer work. The qualities and merits of Che are not exploited in their educational potential. The insufficient selection of potentials on the personality of Che can be used; do not achieve the integration of the personality of students the values that characterized him.

A group interview was carried out with the teachers who teach at the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality, which allowed to reaffirm the criteria that were already had on the ways to enhance the formation of values, taking into account the merits and qualities of Che. The teachers coincide in stating that several activities have been developed in which Che's qualities are used as part of the training in values, but when they analyze the causes for which the students do not identify with them, they do not see his mode of action as part of the weaknesses that arise.

It is recognized by all the interviewees the need for the students themselves, based on their political organization, to be the conductors of the ideological work that from an early age is based on the figure of Che, although they recognize a poor role in it and that they have never been prepared to develop actions that enable the objectives proposed by Guevarian thought to be met.

The above allowed determination of limitations in the development of the values, expressed in the poor domain having students the college teaching of the urban high school in the municipality Bolivia, the merits and qualities that contains the thought of Che. Hence the need to promote the formation of values, attending to the lack of creativity and originality in the extra- educational activities that are developed using the figure of the heroes and martyrs of the country, especially Che.

Nonexistence of activities that promote the development of values, using the figure of Che, is one of the reasons denoting lack in colleges teaching of planning coherent and a coordinated intervention, involved in the social environment and pedagogically integrated, which contributes to the formation of the new man in current conditions.

A system of extra teaching activities in high school was developed, and it had as its central axis the political thought of Che, in which the development of active exchanges, debates, compositions, events scientific research that favored the development of actions for an ideo- political culture of the students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality, in the current circumstances were present.

Activity 1

Objective: to characterize the essential facets of the ideopolitical thought of Ernesto Che Guevara and its materialization in the work of the Cuban Revolution.

Instrumentation: This activity allowed not only the mastery of the essential aspects of the life and work of three personalities of Cuban and world history inextricably linked to the youth of his time, but constitute an incentive for the formation of values, penetrate to the ethical and cultural heritage of which carry these figures, paradigm, for present and future generations.

The themes were recommended where the heroic guerrilla addresses the need to maintain a total attachment to responsible attitudes in the behavior of young people and in the work of student organizations: "We spent the day without eating a bite, rigorously rationing the water that we distributed in the eyepiece of a telescopic peephole so that the measurement would be exact for each one of us and at night we started the road again".

Collateral work was carried out with the ideas of Fidel Castro Ruz, a bulwark in the battle that is being waged today to strengthen the ethical principles of the students. His marked revolutionary thought, from Marti, with deep roots in the national identity, make him worthy of the honorary place he occupies in the History of Cuba. Taking into account that in it is the truthful criterion, the ideal instrument to educate and move the youthful spirit.

The figure of Che is tied around the role of personal example as an expression of the unity between thought and action. His rejection of hypocrisy and double standards is revealed in the constant actions of the world-class guerrilla.

Titles are especially suggested:

  • Thinking of Che.Collective of Authors. Center for American Studies.

  • A man who acts as he thinks.Victor Pérez Galdós.

  • With the shield over his arm.Mariano Rodríguez Herrera.

  • To live as you live.Che anecdote compiled by Mayra Mendoza Gil.

Activity 2

Elaboration of composition under the title: "How I am, how I would like to be and how others see me."

Objective: check the level of potentials and limitations of the student regarding the formation of the liability value.

Instrumentation: This action involves the application of a technique in which the student is asked to write a composition on the topic of responsibility. For its analysis the following aspects should be considered:

Content: includes the positive and negative elements that the student expresses, the frequency, the relationship between them, the breadth and depth and any other aspect that is given in the description of the above.

Emotional bond: They have into account those expressions of emotion, such as love, hate, nonconformity, admiration, desires, etc.

Personal development: It is the main indicator of the active position of the student to the content, the expression on his personality. It is appreciated in that:

  • The content expresses own judgments and reflections. The student is committed to personal evaluations. The student exposes problems, asks questions, discrepancies. The content is affectively engaged. The student, when making considerations on the subject, is based on their needs, personal experiences and experiences.

The technique can be applied within the framework of a subject or implemented after hours. It is vital to achieve a good motivation in the students to carry out this activity. The benefits received from the teacher, the help in the resolution of conflicts can become a stimulus to future participation in the development of other compositions. In the same way, the handling of the information must be carefully appreciated, deciding in a timely manner whether or not to bring the results to the group, as this is not always useful and far from helping the student it would affect them.

Activity 3

Dramatizations of positive and negative attitudes from the school and the community.

Objective: demonstrate real need to assume responsible behavior in different contexts of action.

Instrumentation: this activity requires initiative, imagination and creativity of the organizers. For better understanding, some recommendations are offered from the textOrientation in pedagogical activity, which are adjusted to the purposes pursued by the activity system.

The development of the dramatization requires:

  1. Scenario: and open spacing (wherever the protagonist can act freely).

  2. Groups.

  3. Starring: selected from the group.

  4. Address: The principal, in this case, is suggested to be the instructor of art from the center, whose activity is aimed at promoting the spontaneity of the participants. It addresses the protagonist, the egos, or the audience. He sits among this facilitating laughter, applause, criticism, in short, action.

  5. Egos assistants: member of the group, its role is to promote the spontaneity of the protagonist, intensifying as much as possible the problem of interpersonal relationships.

The topics can be selected in different ways: allocating the group different topics on responsibility, honesty, diligence, honesty, among others, until one reaches the greatest interest in the discussion and from a proposal in the group, which is welcomed by the members.

On other occasions, the teacher brings a topic proposal based on what he considers to be most useful for the group and that will require its approval. From the discussion of the subject the proposal of the protagonists arises, promoted by the members of the group, generally due to its greater emotional impact.

The development of this activity should be executed by the extrateaching way, but without overdoing it, because this scientific fact, with the non - adequate selection of the thematic and shallow depth of discussion by the group, can lead students to take the activity as a theater rehearsal.

Activity # 4

Debate sentences and paragraphs of the bookPassage of revolutionary Che war.

Objective: value the significance of ethical conceptions of Che, in shaping the current Cuban thought.

Instrumentation: It was proceeded to split into smaller group, which will discuss paragraphs and selected ideas and develop criteria to defend when the time of exposure comes, because once consumed time all groups will step to the discussion, to arrive at conclusions, which will be submitted later to the consideration of the whole group and the final conclusions will be determined by majority vote.


  • "Our small troop appeared without uniforms and without weapons, since the two pistols were all that we had managed to save from the disaster and Fidel's rebuke was very violent."

  • "Eutimio Guerra, the traitor, had asked permission to go see his sick mother and Fidel had granted it, also giving him some money for the trip."

  • "Two months after the landing of the Granma, there was a homogeneous group gathered; About ten more men from Manzanillo had joined him and we felt stronger and in better spirits than ever ".

  • "We spent the night in one of those heights, practically without eating. I still remember, as one of the great banquets of my life, the moment when the Guajiro Crespo showed up with a can containing four sausages".

When forming the groups that will participate in the debate, they will express the rules that are established for group work, in terms of preparation time, the selection of members who will expose the criteria of each group or team and reiterate that the discussion should be respectful of every point of view. The teacher or facilitator should participate in the debate leading the discussion: When the debate is away from the issue, when it is necessary a concrete exposing, when some important aspect has been overlooked, when it is required to encourage the students to ask more questions, etc.

It is important in the debate, to emphasize at all times to the students that the victory will correspond to true, reasoned and serene thinking, not to aggressive imposition, since the conclusions will be submitted to the consideration and vote of all the participants.

Activity # 5

Analysis of the discourse pronounced by Commander Ernesto Che Guevara as a representative of the Republic of Cuba in the Assembly General of the United Nations (December 11, 1964).

Objective: value the ideas Che expressed in defense of justice and truth of all nations of the world.

Instrumentation: It is also recommended to observe the rules designed for the previous activity, and absolutely ensure the solemnity and rigor that merits the study this historical discourse. You are not facing a literary work, or a theater. He recalls one of the most momentous events featuring the Heroic Guerilla.

Che phrases that reflect the present:

  • " The last hour of colonialism has already sounded and millions of inhabitants of Africa , Asia and Latin America rise up to meet a new life and impose their unrestricted right to self-determination and independent development of their nations."

  • "Peaceful coexistence must be exercised among all States, regardless of their size, the previous historical relations that bound them and the problems that arise between some of them, at any given time."

  • "We express our agreement with general and complete disarmament; we further advocate the total destruction of thermonuclear devices. There are new atomic powers in the world; the possibilities of a confrontation grow".

  • "The territorial integrity of nations must be respected and the armed wing of imperialism must be stopped, no less dangerous because it only wields conventional weapons."

  • "Recently, the American Government also banned the sale of medicines to Cuba, of the mask of humanitarianism with which it attempted to disguise the aggressive character that has the blockade against the people of Cuba."

  • "As long as the economically dependent peoples do not free themselves from the capitalist markets and, in a firm bloc with the socialist countries, impose our relations between exploiters and exploited, there will be no solid economic development."

  • "The United States does intervene; they have done it historically in America. Cuba has known this truth since the end of the last century, but it is also known by Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Central America in general, Mexico, Haiti, and Santo Domingo".

  • " There will come a day when this assembly acquired more mature and demand the US government guarantees for the life of black and Latin American population living in this country, Americans of origin or adoption, most of them".

It is important to highlight that the purpose pursued is not to delve into the atmosphere that characterized the speech, but to deepen on this basis Che's ethical thought and, particularly, his unconditional support for the truth and the passionate defense that he makes of this principle. In his historic speech at the UNO, Che Guevara referred to the main problems in the world and how to achieve peace. Guevara gave classes on sovereignty, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism and peaceful coexistence among peoples. With his guerrilla uniform and representing Cuba as its Minister of Industries, Che left a speech for history.

Activity # 6

Investigative work

Objective: elaboration of the work schedule in which it socialized the results of the activities carried out.

Instrumentation: It was suggested the inclusion in the schedule times of consultation and orientation of the work, using appropriate literature and methods and techniques for working with sources of historical knowledge.

The results of the research work were presented in the form of a presentation with the following structure: Title, Introduction, Development, Conclusions, Annexes and Bibliography consulted by the students. The presentations were made by teams of six students. The spaces dedicated to the discussion of the papers were characterized by their solemnity and historical-investigative atmosphere.

During the exhibitions, numerous regularities were observed that limit the mode of action of the students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality and that justify the need to transform the actions of the education professionals of tomorrow. The use of the presentations where the main values of the Heroic Guerrilla are exposed confirmed the effectiveness of the activity system and that its application contributes to perfecting the process of axiological orientation for the achievement of the new man to which Che aspired.

The current situation, where the role of teachers in pedagogical practice is increasingly imposed, the advances that have been made in general and special didactics and the call of the Mystery of Education aimed at enhancing political preparation to face the Ideologically naive phenomena and political- ideological subversion have led to the search for alternatives and actions to prepare future teachers in the use of the thought and the main values of the Heroic Guerrilla, to modify their mode of action and achieve a consecrated professional .

The activities aimed at strengthening the ideopolitical culture of the students of the pedagogical university group enhanced the promoted analyzes by the Martiana Chair and the Student Federation of Secondary Education (FEEM), creating a harmonious environment favorable to the application of the system. The work deployed in order to achieve the full identification of the participants and those responsible with the content of the actions fostered the solidity of the sense of belonging based on the assigned social order.

The evaluation process showed that there is a better leadership of the students in the development of activities in which discipline and responsibility are evidenced within the democratic principles of coexistence.

The implemented system of activities made it possible for students to reach high levels of training in the orders: human, ethical-moral, political, ideological, scientific, environmental, legal, aesthetic, among others; these components of citizenship education that were manifested in the actions that during the study and the tasks of the institute carried out in this period.


The training of professionals with a high cultural and technical preparation, carriers of the highest qualities of the human being, is the essential aim of the Teaching-Learning Process. This purpose includes the necessary interrelation of the instructional (knowledge, skills, habits) and educational aspects (character traits, norms of conduct and behavior, values, convictions)(González, R. and Cardentey, J., 2016).

The current conditions of great social impact on science and technology require a series of knowledge and skills that allow a greater specialization in their knowledge and, at the same time, a humanist position, where honesty, responsibility, patriotism, industriousness and Honesty are some of the values to be strengthened in the students of the pedagogical university college of the urban pre-university of the Bolivian municipality.

Dr. Esther Báxter, in the Tabloid of the Seventh National Education Seminar, expressed that, for the formation in values, educational methods directed to raising awareness, activity and appreciation must be taken into account. Several authors have investigated the subject:Álvarez de Zayas (1995); Matos, JJ (2019); Hernandez (2017); Almarales, M., Laguna, JA and Pilozo, RA (2019). These have developed different approaches to organizing the Teaching-Learning Process that transcends assimilation of knowledge and skills (instruction), the formation of rules of conduct, values and beliefs (education) and reach the formation of qualities physical and intellectual (development).

It is the author's criterion that in the consulted bibliography the use of Che's thought and the main qualities in the formation of values are not appreciated. In current conditions, the training of an educational professional is required who is capable of inserting himself into a world characterized by its dynamism and the constant opposition of political, economic and social paradigms, capable of acting and responding to the demands of Cuban society today.

Ramírez, AO. Hidalgo-Salgado, G and Leal-Acanda, L. (2018) refer that Guevara thought can be used around the preparation of the Education professional for the defense and strategic conception of the War of the Whole People; For this, it is possible to work in three fundamental aspects: ideological preparation of the combatants, the military training itself and the execution, on the defensive level, of the military doctrine.

We agree with the author about the importance of this task, but, to fulfill this purpose it is necessary to form a teacher with high cultural preparation, development of qualities and pedagogical skills to enable it in your integrated drive factors, components and contexts of action, solving by scientific means the professional problems that arise in their pedagogical practice.

Lopez, D (2017) and Lastres, E., and Yaques, M. R. (2018)coincide in the development of communist consciousness is transformed through education and culture, oriented towards achieving attitudes and socialist-communists ways of thinking, typical of the new man to whom Che aspired. It highlights that it is the first precept for the strengthening of values because it is the pillar on which the rest of the theoretical conceptions rest. States that it is a real Guevara contribution, for how to depart from considerations then in vogue in the socialist countries, who argued that without prior modification of the material base of society was unthinkable occur in individuals with a change of mentality in the socialist sense.

The author agrees with the approach, taking into account that the formation of values of the students requires undertaking transformations that allow assuming a transforming position. The values are inherent in man as the subject of his actions and expresses the relationship between their ability to act and the possibility that fulfill consciously demands that arises, both from the point of view as that posed by the society (Fernández, A., and Ávila, M., 2020).

The Cuban school in the current socioeconomic and political conditions has a decisive role in the education of the personality, to achieve the conscious assimilation of the ethical values of the socialist society that is being built in our country. This work should be persuasive, convincing and active participation of students in their self - education. The author considers the formation of securities should be directed primarily to the establishment and development of human values contextualized and directed towards the profession, hence the need to work with young people who are in the college teaching of the urban high school in the Bolivia municipality.

The data obtained on the insufficiencies that are manifested in the educational practice of the students of the pedagogical school made it possible to develop the selection and sequencing of knowledge and skills inherent to the figure of Che, which should be incorporated into extra-teaching activities such as part of the training in values. It was conceived for it a system of activities in which positions is inherent qualities to assume the political, ethical and moral of the Heroic Guerilla, and increase the opportunities to improve the process of formation of values.

The system of activities designed to meet the need is in the training of students reaches a feasibility since its establishment in pedagogical tool, with its principles, objectives and methodological structure, as well as being a practical contribution to the research was effective for formation of values from the validity of Che's thought. The diagnosis of the potentialities of Guevara thinking and its possibilities was treated in extracurricular activities taking place in the institution.

Its implementation evidenced changes in the mode of action of the students; they showed interest in the topics addressed and contributed new elements for the discussion about their daily way of acting, that of the family or that of the neighbors. There, some norms and habits of coexistence that affect their integral formation, which implies social recognition were found.

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Received: December 21, 2020; Accepted: July 06, 2021

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