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vol.18 número3Análisis de la competencia del profesor de Educación Física para la inclusión de escolares con discapacidadAnálisis de la aplicación de indicadores para la evaluación integral del aprendizaje en la asignatura Atletismo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física

versión On-line ISSN 1996-2452

Rev Podium vol.18 no.3 Pinar del Río sept.-dic. 2023  Epub 05-Sep-2023


Original article

Management for the evaluation of competencies in the training of Physical Culture professionals

0000-0002-3205-0294Mirtza Martell Socarrás1  *  , 0000-0002-1859-3399Modesta Moreno Iglesias1  , 0000-0003-3785-4635Orlando Pedro Suárez Pérez1  , 0000-0003-2721-6402María Tabares Arevalo1 

1Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río, Cuba.


Evaluation, as a didactic category in the teaching-learning process of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture and Sports, faces challenges that force the different pedagogical groups to project actions that allow a contextualized and comprehensive vision of it. The unity of the system of educational influences is a necessity for formative, shared, personalized evaluation, focused on evidence of knowledge, product and performance in the training and development of competencies in this Career. The objective of the work is to assess the integrative evaluative process of the competencies, in the students of the third-year Investigative Work Practice, of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture and Sports, through the main integrative discipline Investigative Work Training. To achieve this, empirical research methods were applied, such as document analysis, interviews and observation. The results allowed to base a methodological proposal that enhances the integrative evaluation, based on the comprehensive physical-educational approach, in the study process. The design of the results was experimental, in its pre-experiment variant. The partial application of the proposal validated its relevance and contributed favorably to the improvement of the professional and human performance of those who participate.

Key words: methodological actions; competencies; evaluation; evidence.


One of the challenges facing the current Cuban university is the training and development of competent education professionals, which is why it is necessary to direct a theoretical-methodological approach where knowledge, habits, skills and values are articulated with the professional and personal resources that are mobilized and bring them closer to this purpose.

When analyzing this situation, it is suggested that even with Cuban curricula structured in objectives and focused on skills, and not from an education model based on competencies, training, development and evaluation is possible as long as there is management with intentional and cooperative actions among the participants in the process.

It reveals to higher education professionals, specifically the professor of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture and Sports, how to evaluate from a comprehensive understanding the development of the student's personality in the initial training process and its relationship with the scientific conception assumed by the National Directorate of Physical Education, the comprehensive physical-educational approach, so that there is correspondence between saying and doing; since this offers possibilities of leading the process towards professional, personal and social growth.

According to Gallardo et al. (2018), in the specialized literature on evaluation, achieving progress in an evaluation culture has been a reference for study for the last 20 years, with results of numerous successful experiences in formative evaluation and shared by researchers such as Gallardo and Carter (2016), Gallardo et al. (2019), Hamodi, López and López-Pastor (2014), López-Pastor (2009) and López-Pastor (2012), López-Pastor and Pérez-Pueyo (2017) and López-Pastor et al. (2016).

In this regard, Servín (2013) states "(…) if we want to develop competencies, it is necessary that we consider that a competency is exercised, developed and evaluated in a situation" (p. 118). Which requires monitoring the development of skills to enhance the professional performance that is demanded.

According to Belykh (2019), the vision of competencies as a psychological configuration integrates cognitive, affective-motivational and instrumental components that qualify the levels of development reached in the subject's performance, aspects that make not only their training complex, but also their assessment.

Competencies are conceptually different from objectives in that the latter constitute an intention and the former are learning results. Regarding its formulation, an objective can express the acquisition of only one concept, a skill or an attitude, it must be written clearly and, to ensure its viability, it must be consistent with the duration of the subject; while competence integrates knowledge, with know-how and knowing how to be and be.

From this reality, the evaluation of the competencies of the future professional constitutes a necessity so that, based on a systematic and comprehensive assessment of individual progress, their capacity to mobilize and use diverse knowledge (experimental and theoretical) and together with a guided accompaniment, the levels of help are provided that allow the development of modes of action for school educational practice and the demands of the labor market are met.

According to Moreno et al. (2019), it is necessary that the competency training process favors the protagonism of the participants and they decide what they need, the pace, the teaching materials, as well as the contents they require at the end of the Degree. The graduate must be able to put into practice pedagogical, physical, sports and recreational skills in the exercise of their profession with mastery of communication, technology and research on scientific bases; in correspondence with the philosophical, economic, psycho-pedagogical, biological, sociocultural, ethical, aesthetic, management and environmental approaches associated with Physical Culture with reflective, transformative thinking and attention to diversity.

The evaluation of competencies, according to Tobón (2013), is defined as:

(...) a process in search of continuous improvement based on the identification of achievements and aspects to improve in the performance of people regarding the resolution of context problems (personal, family, social, work-professional, recreational and ecological environmental), taking into account the criteria, evidence and levels of mastery of a certain competence, providing timely and assertive feedback to the students themselves. (p. 143)

According to this researcher's perspective, competency evaluation is a process of timely regulation of performance. The context becomes varied, but it needs to be included, and the feedback requires attitudes that mobilize the subject to the commitment to do better.

Romero et al. (2017) and other authors report that in recent decades evidence has been provided indicating that the use of formative and shared evaluation in higher education considerably improves the quality of learning, as well as the development of competencies linked to metacognitive abilities and lifelong learning; furthermore, it increases the student's motivation and involvement, allows errors to be corrected, is a learning experience in itself, develops responsibility, autonomy and communication and improves the capacity for self-criticism and academic performance.

According to Suárez (2017), the professional teaching-methodological performance of the Physical Education teacher has become evident today, since more than transmitting knowledge, educating and sharing values have become a developer of skills and attitudes in joint activity, through the practice of sports; therefore, improvement in evaluating is a necessity, if the functions of evaluation and its impact on the formation of values are taken into account.

The insufficiencies in the pedagogical practice of how to evaluate in an integrative way, lead to an evaluation towards the cognitive to the detriment of interests, motivations, efforts and personal commitments. In this regard, Corral (2004) assures that the traditional way of evaluating knowledge, habits and skills and the addition of values has brought with it confusion for the pedagogical group due to presenting theoretical and methodological deficiencies; these aspects limit the fulfillment of the training function of this didactic category and the performance models of the student who needs to learn to evaluate himself and learn to teach to evaluate.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, a fact perceptual study was carried out on the teachers of the Department of Didactics of Physical Education and Recreation, of the Faculty of Physical Culture, of the University of Pinar del Río in relation to the evaluation process that they develop in the different subjects they teach.

From the results, strengths were identified, among which the direction of the evaluation process of the current study plan stands out, supported by a resolution that makes explicit the need for its flexibility, integration and development; the need to evaluate the cognitive in unity with the affective-motivational is recognized and the professional model emphasizes the need to prepare to the future teacher for the analysis and solution of complex problems in their pedagogical activity.

As weaknesses, an insufficient assessment of the performance of the students of gradual way; the evaluative activities that are guided by the subjects are generally disjointed and are evaluated focused on the cognitive; insufficient planning and orientation of evaluation activities that integrate the academic, work, research and extension components and insecurities expressed by students regarding integrative evaluations.

This allowed the analysis and identification of causes such as deficient evaluative analysis from the articulation between concepts and skills in the different subjects for the solution of a professional problem; insufficient actions in classes that demonstrate the relationship and evaluation between the components of the training process; in general, evaluation is conceived as a result and not as a process and there is a tendency to evaluate the cognitive to the detriment of the affective-motivational, which causes limitations in the modeling of the Physical Education class and restricts the articulation of the contents. of the subjects with reference to a comprehensive physical educational approach.

Based on what has been discussed, the objective of this work is framed in assessing the integrative evaluative process of the competencies, in the students of the Investigative Labor Practice I (PLI I), of third year, of the degree course in Physical Culture and Sports, through the main integrative discipline Investigative Labor Training.


The general foundations of the Marxist-Leninist theory and its dialectical materialist conception, based on its laws, contradictions and categories, allowed to delve deeper into the methods of science, specifically in the social sciences of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture and Sports. It was worked with theoretical, empirical and statistical methods.

Within the methods of the theoretical level, the historical-logical method allowed the study of the evolution of the evaluative process that is developed in the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture and Sports and its impact on the improvement of the professional performance of the future graduate, with the evolution of the term defined in Resolution No. 2/2018 of the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as to determine inherent situations of the studied process.

The inductive-deductive method allowed to approach the study from the general to the particular, focusing the analysis of the theories around integrative evaluation and its interrelation with the improvement of professional performance; in addition, it was used in the processing and interpretation of the results that allowed regularities to be identified and conclusions to be reached.

The modeling made it possible to represent the fundamental characteristics and relationships for the management of the integrative evaluation process, in PLI I. The systemic-structural-functional method was used in the preparation of the proposal by establishing relations of cooperation and subordination between the stages, the actions and operations that make it up, as well as with the agents that participate.

The analysis-synthesis method guided the logic of the research process, for the interpretation and elaboration of the information obtained and processed with respect to the management of the evaluation process and for the improvement of professional performance, and the deductive hypothetical allowed verifying the hypothesis of application of the proposal, based on its organizational forms.

As empirical methods, it was necessary to apply the analysis of documents, such as the department's methodological work strategy, individual improvement plans, class visit reports, Physical Education programs and methodological activities that allowed to reflect on the actions conceived for the management of the evaluation process before and after the application of the proposal.

With the interview, the opinion of the agents who participate in the management of the evaluation process, the potential and limitations in the use of evaluation forms in PLI I was known. Aspects that, with the observation of classes and recreational activities, in company of tutors and with a guide prepared for this, made it possible to verify the management of the teaching-learning process of Physical Education and Recreation and the evaluation forms used, as well as the role of the agents involved in PLI I.

For the application of the DELPHY method, expert criteria, a total of 12 experts were selected, taking into account their years of experience as researchers or managers in the management of processes that are related to the educational practice of Physical Education teachers, as well as professional prestige at the national and international level. Its theoretical assessment focused on the management of the evaluative process that is specified in methodological actions to be developed in the PLI I. For the practical assessment, the pre-experiment was used that allowed the study variables to be contrasted, to achieve their modification.

The pre-experiment began in the 2019-2020 school year, in the second half of September 2019 and concluded in the second half of May 2020. In its development, the population and the sample were characterized, the variable being investigated, which made it possible to contrast before and after the manipulation of the independent variable and compute the magnitude of the change.

To carry out this research, 16 third-year students of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture and Sports who take the PLI I, in the Pinar del Río municipality, and six (6) teachers from the pedagogical group, the type of sampling was simple random probabilistic.

As statistical methods, empirical frequency distributions with their respective percentage distributions and graphic representations were used, as well as some descriptive measures such as the arithmetic mean to characterize or represent the results obtained. Inferential statistical procedures, such as the Wilcoxon designated rank test, were used to verify the existence of significant changes between the results obtained before and after the proposal was implemented. The data were processed by IBM SPSS Statistics software, Version 20.


From the analysis of documents, it was corroborated that in the Bachelor of Physical Culture and Sports career , in Study Plan E, the FLI discipline is taught from the beginning of the first year of the career to the last, where it prevails as one of the forms of Organization of the internal practical teaching class, in which situations of work activity are simulated, from the integration of the subjects that contribute to the exercise of the profession and to the solution of problems related to educational practice.

The FLI discipline constitutes an ideal scenario for the implementation of an integrating evaluation process, with a contextualized, individual and articulated perspective of the educational process; in which the different components and/or disciplines of the study plan that must be evaluated in an inclusive manner come together, through simulated educational practice situations or in the practical activity itself, this favors the application of scientific research methods to improve the direction of the teaching-learning process of the areas of action of the future professional.

In this discipline, PLI I, II and III are developed. PLI I and II address physical education, from primary to lower secondary school and project-based recreation. With the PLI III, physical recreation, sports and therapeutic and prophylactic physical culture are studied, with the aim of contributing to the spheres of action of the professional being trained.

Currently, the classes taught in the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture and Sports must integrate the components of the training process (academic, work, research and extracurricular), through the development of extracurricular tasks that lead to a high social impact and require the display of qualities in the professional who aspires to be trained. In this aspect, the mediating figure of the career teacher is vital and must have adequate pedagogical preparation, master the contents of sports and subjects; as well as guide, control and evaluate students to achieve adequate mastery of said content, in correspondence with the general objectives of the subject, which contributes to their comprehensive training.

For Gallardo and Carter (2018), formative evaluation contributes to an improvement in the teaching and learning processes and cites López (2012) who considers it as "(…) any evaluation process which main purpose is to improve the teaching processes" and learning that take place; It is aimed at students learning more and teachers learning to improve their teaching practice" (p. 120). On the other hand, he refers to the fact that in 2009, this author defined shared evaluation as that in which the students are involved in the evaluation processes, where dialogue and joint decision-making between the teacher and student are prioritized (López, 2009, p. 37).

According to Perrenoud (2004), the current academic scenario is focused on the development of competencies; this requires a coherent teaching-learning approach, which entails aligned teaching, where methodology and evaluation are part of that process, made up of a participatory methodology, in which students assume responsibility and the evaluation focuses on learning.

In this regard, García et al. (2010) assess the need for a formative evaluation and the advantages of analytically diagnosing the ways in which it operates, the difficulties, interests and rhythms of each evaluated, which promotes learning and development, as aspects that characterize the developer evaluation; appreciates that, frequently, in pedagogical practice, continuous and formative evaluation are confused and continuous evaluations are carried out throughout the course, but in reality by their intention they are summative.

This author's conception of formative evaluation leads to reflect that in the evaluation of the educational professional's competencies, a monitoring strategy is needed to verify the progress in the representations already achieved, the characteristics of these representations and its levels of complexity and depth; Therefore, it should not have a summative intention, but rather establish levels of learning competence that allow for integrated and related value judgments to be made. The aspects addressed are a reference in the research of Romero et al. (2017).

For Márquez et al. (2020), in the planning of learning and its evaluation, it is essential to determine the competence to be formed, the elements of competence, the context of realization, as well as the performance criteria, also called evaluation criteria; Therefore, it is considered that the unity of the system of influences of the pedagogical group to achieve this constitutes an essential element.

According to Moreno et al. (2019), competency-based training requires from the teacher the need to break the existing barriers in terms of achieving self-managed, reflective, critical, controversial, divergent and projective thinking, with a transformative vision that requires the student to play a leading role, based on of experiences and needs.

For the authors of this work, the process of evaluating the competencies of the student of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture is the systematic and comprehensive assessment of the transformations that occur in the student, a result of the appropriation of the contents that integrate cognitive components, metacognitive, procedural, motivational and personality qualities in close functional unity and in their interaction with others that allows them to solve problems of educational practice successfully and that require transit through phases that, in their organization, manifest the unity of the instructional, the educational and the developer, mediated by the management of the pedagogical group.

Díaz et al. (2017) specifies that the evaluation process goes through the phases of assessment, projection and implementation and requires stages of training, systematization and generalization, in which levels of help are implemented that guide the necessary support for learning. The assessment phase includes an initial, partial and final stage, depending on the moment and the objective with which it is applied, which reveals the cyclical nature of the process. In it, a systematic assessment of the transformations and their impact on individual and personal growth is carried out, through the analysis and metacognitive reflection of the agents and agencies involved, to project and provide feedback to the process.

In the projection phase, based on the profile of the Physical Education teacher, the objectives to be evaluated are planned according to the periods (diagnostic evaluation, continuous evaluation and final evaluation), the instruments and procedures that check the level of performance in the activities in the evidence of knowledge, of that effort and product that are evaluated, as well as the different moments of the process in which the level of performance achieved is reported.

In the implementation phase, instruments are applied that check the level of performance in the activities, with evidence of the competencies to be evaluated, and constant monitoring is required, which is achieved when there is unity between educational influences, in the phase of analysis.

The theoretical-methodological elements addressed allow the authors to specify actions to contribute to the management of the pedagogical group of the process of evaluating the competencies of the students of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Culture and Sports, in the FLI I discipline, these are:

  1. Determination of the competencies to be evaluated and the interrelationships established between subjects and disciplines each year.

  2. Definition of evaluation criteria.

  3. Planning and projection of the evidence collection process.

  4. Development of the evaluation strategy for the FLI discipline. (Base, analysis and redesign).

  5. Determination of the level of performance. (Establish differences and a numerical approximation).

  6. Analysis and reflection on the information collected from the exchange between the participants.

  7. Formative, shared and personalized performance evaluation. (Analysis, discussion and reflection on the assumed value judgment).

  8. Evaluation of the evaluation strategy implemented in the Investigative Labor Training discipline. (Cyclic character).

Once the interview was applied and the results were compared, it was possible to assess that there is knowledge on the part of the teachers of the need for adequate management in the evaluation process and that, by following these methodological actions, 100% feel oriented in the sequence of the operations to be developed, which makes the process that is managed conscious and focused on diversity and individuality.

On the other hand, in the observation of the classes of the group's teachers, modes of action were provided, by evaluating the various forms that were used and carrying out the joint assessment that was promoted, from the indicators necessary to achieve the unity of the cognitive attitudinal and procedural aspects that affect class observation and constitute evidence of the students' performance in their pre-professional practice.

From the discipline program, study plan E, The defense of a Course Work is established as a form of evaluation, which has an integrating and productive character, where the potentialities in the application of knowledge and investigative skills are demonstrated, according to the requirements of the program; it is also suggested to encourage the use of integrative exams, portfolio executions, essays, reports, monographs, investigative tasks of various kinds, multimedia and the preparation of scientific articles, among others that refer to exposing the contradictions, insufficiencies, potentialities and advances presented in its development to encourage decision-making and promote critical reflection and self-assessment.

To verify the existence of significant changes, the Wilcoxon designated rank test was performed. The results were collected, which coincided with the moments of observation. The final result showed that of a total of 16 classes observed, 14 were evaluated as good, for 87.5 %, and two were evaluated as fair, which represents 12.5 %.

The previous results allowed to identify that the greatest monitoring refers to number three, referring to the planning of the pedagogical group, given by the implementation of the levels of help, and number six, to analysis and reflection on the information collected, from the exchange among the participants, which affects the gradual monitoring of the students' performance.

Advances are revealed when comparing the level of significance selected, with those offered by the test, this demonstrates the correctness of the implementation of the proposed actions and the methodological work carried out, in the evaluation of the competences for the training of the Career professional.

The integration of results denotes the relationship that is established between the dimensions, which shows that the actions for the management of the evaluation of competences in the training of this student respond to a set of integrated and systemic actions that are conceived as a process of personal and professional growth, in its interconnection with the social.

The adequate level of theoretical-methodological preparation leads more efficiently to the competency evaluation process, in PLI I; in the case of the procedures carried out in planning, instrumentation and evaluation, based on the diagnosis, progress is shown in the management of the process under study, given the students' appropriation of the theoretical-methodological resources that enable reflection on the act and the regulation of action.

In contemporary practice, the results of the research carried out by Castro (2014) and Ibáñez et al. (2000) reveal the use of exams and other conventional means to only measure knowledge at a given time as a form of evaluation, instead of becoming a continuous and systematic activity of the pedagogical group.

An evaluation of the evidence is then required, which accredits the competitiveness in the process where the personological resources and the educational impact produced by the relationships established by the subjects among themselves and with the new knowledge are integrated. In this sense, Díaz et al. (2017) refer to it as vital to accumulate evidence in the educational field because when assessing, the estimation depends on the amount of information that is extracted from the set of stimuli to which it is exposed.

According to González et al. (2020), evaluative conceptions are often reductionist, limit and even distort practice. In this sense, they transcend the actions of grading (understood as assigning grades) and examining (taking exams). In this regard, Addine (2012) defends the idea that the evaluative conception must integrate the quantitative and the qualitative, the process and the result, both with regard to the theoretical-methodological elements and the dynamic-contextual elements; aspects that are related to the social situation of the individual's development and that are taken into account by the pedagogical group.

It is necessary in the pedagogical context, according to Moreno (2019) and Díaz et al. (2017), the assessment of the processes that come together, in which evaluation tends to be confused with some behaviors that are aimed at assigning grades as a result of the application of exams and practical work to students, with the aim of measure their knowledge and the level of compliance with the planned objectives, without the ability to make a value judgment that feeds back the process, an aspect that frequently manifests itself in current educational practice.

According to Stufflebeam and Schiklield (1987), the evaluation:

(...) is the process of identifying, obtaining and providing useful and descriptive information about the value and merit of the goals, planning, implementation and impact of a given object in order to serve as a guide for decision-making. of decisions, solve problems of responsibility and promote understanding of the phenomena involved. (p12)

These elements reflect the complexity of the evaluative process that demands conscious management of the analysis of potentialities and weaknesses by the participating subjects, as well as those of the environment and their relationship that require measurement and control to know it, compare it and provide feedback.

The arguments presented lead to propose that evaluating learning requires integrating the quantitative and the qualitative, the process and the result; both in terms of the theoretical-methodological elements and the dynamic-contextual elements (Addine, 2012). In this way, advantages are offered aimed at diagnosing in an analytical-reflective way the ways in which the subject operates, the context, the process, the difficulties, the interests, the rhythms of their learning and at focusing the evaluation on getting to know them and paying tribute to them. its development, which contributes to the formation of qualities.


The formative evaluative process, shared and personalized from the integrative discipline FLI I, demands conscious management on the part of the pedagogical group aimed at achieving the unity of the system of educational influences directed at the process and the result, with a cyclical character.

The theoretical-methodological elements around the management of a formative evaluation, the roles assumed by the subjects participating in the process and the need for their individual analysis based on evidence of knowledge, product and performance, are materialized in the methodological actions that are proposed endorsed by experts and from practice, which demonstrates a change with a high degree of significance.


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Conflictos de intereses:

1Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.

Contribución de los autores:

2Los autores han participado en la redacción del trabajo y análisis de los documentos

Received: January 11, 2023; Accepted: June 11, 2023

*Autor para la correspondencia:

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