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versión impresa ISSN 0864-084X


CASACO PARADA, Ángel. Proposing norms for clinical application of biological radiolabelled compunds. pharmacodynamic and toxicological recommendations for preclinical studies. Nucleus [online]. 2007, n.41, pp. 53-57. ISSN 0864-084X.

In October of 2005 a small group of researchers from different Countries had a meeting at the International Atomic Energy Agency headquarter in Vienna, Austria; the aim was to prepare a tentative user-friendly document for personnel involved in preparation of radiopharmaceuticals based on peptides, proteins and antibodies for human use. This document should cover all practical, methodological and ethical concerns relating to radiolabelled products mentioned above and should clarify the complicated road-map that one has to follow in this area. This document does not cover the use of radiolabelled oligonucleotides, cells and other autologous products and does not provide technical protocols on actual methodologies. Herein, we will like to present you some pharmacodynamic and toxicological recommendations for in vivo preclinical studies. This guidance only represents my own current thinking in this topic.

Palabras clave : radiopharmaceuticals; clinical trials; drugs; pharmacology; recommendations; IAEA; evaluation; labelled compounds; radiation protection.

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