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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


HERNANDEZ GARCIGA, Francisco Felipe; OPEYEMI JIMADA, Ismail  y  PRIA BARROS, María del Carmen. Global cardiovascular risk. Consulting 3: Guanabo health locality 2008. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2010, vol.9, suppl.5, pp. 641-649. ISSN 1729-519X.

A descriptive study of transverse estructure was carried out with the objective of determining some atherogenic risk factors in the particular population of the consulting # 3 of the Dr. Mario Munoz Monroy Teaching Policlinic, situated in the Guanabo health locality of the Habana del Este Municipality, during the period between the 2nd of March to the 1st of December, 2008, with a general proposition to carry out a focus on individual risk (Global Cardiovascular Risk) in this community with respect to some identified atherogenic risk factors such as Arterial Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus and Tabaquism among others. The sample was made up of adults above the age 20 years which came to about 325 persons. The principal results obtained show a higher rate of smoking habit, arterial hipertensión and diabetes mellitus. Inadequate eating habits predominated especially in the masculine sex. It was deduced that 22.8% of the patients present high and very high risk of cardiovascular morbimortality in the next 5 to 10 years and that a very large part of the petients need health intervention so that they can avoid or reduce cardiovascular risks in the future.

Palabras clave : Global Cardiovascular Risk; Atherogenic Risk Factors; Primary Health Care.

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