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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2218-3620

Universidad y Sociedad vol.14 no.6 Cienfuegos nov.-dic. 2022  Epub 30-Dic-2022


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Employee communication and employee engagement after covid-19 pandemic

Comunicación y compromiso de los empleados después de la pandemia de covid-19

0000-0003-1314-9966Christian Wiradendi Wolor1  , 0000-0003-2280-4600Rizki Firdausi Rachma Dania1  , 0000-0002-7447-591XSuherdi Suherdi1  , 0000-0003-4743-1134Ahmad Nurkin2  , 0000-0001-8305-6154Ardiansyah Ardiansyah3 

1Universitas Negeri Jakarta , Indonesia

2Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

3Politeknik Tempo, Indonesia


This study aims to determine changes in employee performance after the Covid-19 curve began to decline regarding communication factors, employee involvement, job satisfaction and work commitment. The research sample is two hundred employees in Jakarta. The sampling technique uses the Non-Probability Sampling Analysis Model with the Purposive Sampling technique. The quantitative associative survey method and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) concerning the basic theory to get accurate results. This study shows that communication directly affects employee performance and job satisfaction. Meanwhile, employee involvement affects work commitment and job satisfaction, employee performance. Both job satisfaction and work commitment do not directly affect employee performance. The implication of this research is that organizations should improve employee communication and engagement so that employees understand the relationship between their job contributions and overall business goals.

Key words: Job Satisfaction; Communication; Employee Engagement; Work Commitment; Employee Performance


El estudio tiene como objetivo determinar los cambios en el desempeño de los empleados después de que la curva de Covid-19 comenzó a disminuir con respecto a los factores de comunicación, participación de los empleados, satisfacción laboral y compromiso laboral. La muestra de investigación es de doscientos empleados en Yakarta. La técnica de muestreo utiliza el Modelo de Análisis de Muestreo No Probabilístico con la técnica de Muestreo Propósito. El método de encuesta asociativa cuantitativa y el Modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) en relación con la teoría básica para obtener resultados precisos. Este estudio muestra que la comunicación afecta directamente el desempeño de los empleados y la satisfacción laboral. Mientras tanto, la participación de los empleados afecta el compromiso laboral y la satisfacción laboral, el desempeño de los empleados. Tanto la satisfacción laboral como el compromiso con el trabajo no afectan directamente el desempeño de los empleados. La implicación de esta investigación es que las organizaciones deben mejorar la comunicación y el compromiso de los empleados para que comprendan la relación entre las contribuciones de su trabajo y los objetivos comerciales generales.

Palabras-clave: Satisfacción laboral; Comunicación; Compromiso de los empleados; Compromiso laboral; Desempeño de los empleados


Employee satisfaction has become a significant research scope among industrial and organizational psychologists. Some people like to work and regard work as essential to their life identity. On the other hand, some people find work unpleasant to survive. Satisfaction significantly impacts the performance of an employee and an organization. Thus, studying the relationship between these two variables is undeniably a critical and exciting topic for study and further research (Jamal Ali & Anwar, 2021).

Over the years, the concept of quality of work-life has become an appeal that attracts the engagement of psychologists and sociologists to study. However, the acceleration of COVID-19 made the idea of work-life quality also attract scholars and academics' attention for further study (Dhamija et al., 2019). Quality of work life is indeed a concept that must be researched because, in the end, it will significantly influence employee performance.

On the other hand, the quality of work-life should be the organization's concern to promote human resource practices that are oriented toward a commitment to achieving organizational purposes, especially during the difficult circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations can achieve their purposes and objectives when they have employees with high organizational commitment. Indeed, organizations strive to increase employee organizational commitment. Psychologically, employees with an increased commitment to an organization are more likely to feel job satisfaction and thus encourage better performance. Recently, organizational commitment has arisen as a favourable research area as it plays a bridge position in employee performance (Zefeiti & Noor Azmi, 2017).

Researchers argue that organizational commitment can be assumed as a glue or relationship between employees and the organization because employees and organizations benefit from employee organizational commitment (Zefeiti & Noor Azmi, 2017). Organizations that can improve employee commitment are deemed lucky because this helps boost employee productivity and performance. It is, of course, the opposite, where Management is being tested daily on its ability to keep its employees engaged while also implementing established policies. Employee turnover has taken over different sectors in the industry, as employees are found constantly changing jobs. Hence, employee retention and engagement have become a daunting task in these unstable economic times (Chandani et al., 2016).

The COVID-19 pandemic has moved organizations to enhance in terms of employee management. Human resource managers continue to evolve innovative, inventive and practical ways to engage employees healthier during this difficult time. (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021). Even in the last decade, employee engagement has become widely accepted as organizations have discovered that they can leverage it for higher employee retention, excellent customer satisfaction, improved financial performance, and overall organizational performance (Gupta & Sharma, 2016). Employee communication is usually seen as one of the critical components of an organization's employee engagement strategy (Thornhill et al., 1996).

The previous research found a positive correlation between job satisfaction, commitment, productivity, profits, security and employee fluctuations. Job satisfaction can contain different points of view, such as possibilities for advancement, working conditions, association with collaborators, assignment age, reputation and compensation (Vorina et al., 2017). With reasonable job satisfaction, an individual can maintain loyalty to the work done.

Despite this enormous interdisciplinary study, there is a tremendous lack of research on how job satisfaction is affected by job change. However, there is no previous research that explains job changes after the covid-19 pandemic is almost over endemic. In addition, analysis results on the relationship between organizational commitment and work performance are still diverse. Organizational commitment is not related to performance (Zefeiti & Noor Azmi, 2017). Employees who are highly committed to the organization do not necessarily try to improve their performance and achievements. Nevertheless, many researchers argue that, there is a positive relationship between organizational commitment and performance.

By looking at this gap, this study aims to find a more reasonable way to impact work productivity during job changes as a transition from the COVID-19 pandemic to being endemic. The focus of this study is to investigate how job changes affect satisfaction, commitment, engagement, employee communication, job satisfaction and performance. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the organization's efficacious strategy in improving employee performance in terms of employee commitment, satisfaction, and communication after the covid-19 pandemic ends.

Literature Review

Employee Engaggement

Engagement is using themselves for their work roles, where they act and express themselves physically, emotionally, and cognitively. (Eldor & Vigoda-Gadot, 2016). Employee Engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organizational goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, and at the same time able to enhance their sense of well-being. In other words, employee involvement is considered one of the main driving factors for organizations to achieve business goals.Employee engagement is the emotional and intellectual relationship that employees have in their positions, with the company, with managers, or with colleagues, which are intended to leverage to increase discretionary efforts in their work (Hughes and Rog, 2008). Studies show that employee engagement will grow if life satisfaction advances (Vorina et al., 2017). Engaged employees are those who work with passion towards organizational goals. An uninvolved employee appears to be participating but not with passion and energy towards the organization's common goals (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021).

Employee engagement was also found to have three different aspects: intellectual engagement, which refers to loyalty towards better performance at one's work; affective engagement or positive feelings after doing one's work; and social engagement, which involves discussions with others about improving work-related improvements. (Chandani et al., 2016).

Employees will choose to engage themselves at different levels and in response to the help they receive from their organization. (Eldor & Vigoda-Gadot, 2016). Increased levels of employee engagement can lead to increased profitability, and organizational competitiveness, and are critical to employee performance and the success of a business or institution (Eldor & Vigoda-Gadot, 2016). The importance of engagement because it will improve employee performance, increase job satisfaction, and consequently lead the organization to achieve destinations.

Conversely, decreased levels of employee engagement can impact productivity, customer service and performance (Al Mehrzi & Singh, 2016). Empirically, employee engagement is a significant predictor of desired outcomes, such as profitability, productivity, customer retention and satisfaction (Gupta & Sharma, 2016). Engagement also shows an employee's emotional commitment not only to individual goals but also to achieving corporate goalsi (Gupta & Sharma, 2016).

The results of previous studies demonstrate that employee engagement has a powerful positive effect on organizational commitment and also discover employee engagement as an essential determinant of organizational commitment. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to commit. Research discoveries that the more engaged employees are at work, the higher their commitment to the organization or institution. Job satisfaction is a significant driver of job engagement (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021). The results of previous research revealed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and job involvement. Further analysis shows that employee job satisfaction leads to employee engagement (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021).

Employee Communication

Employee communication is defined here as a communication transaction between individuals and groups at various levels and in various areas of specialization intended to design and redesign the organization, implement the design, and coordinate day-to-day activities. The content of employee communications can facilitate the identification process, as it expresses the goals, values and achievements of an organization. Excellent employee communication can ultimately result in quality employee relationships and supportive employee behavior towards the organization.

Adequate internal employee communication is paramount for any organization to persist. The results of existing research indicate that as an intermediate concept of public relations, effective internal employee communication contributes to the expansion of good organizational-employee relationships, thereby advancing the value of the communication and public relations functions for organizations.

Employee communication includes all types of formal and informal communication that occurs internally at all levels of the organization. It is a central organizational process where employees share information, meaning, and emotions. It helps create relationships, build organizational culture, participate in decision-making, and facilitate most organizational activities. Employee relations is strategic communication management in managing interdependence and building mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and its internal stakeholders (Mazzei et al., 2019).

The results show that the company's internal communication, perceived communication satisfaction, knowledge sharing, continuous learning, and intrapreneurship positively relate to employee engagement. (Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021). he role of employee communication is critical to configuring an inclusive employee relations approach that is conducive to employee voice, which is meant to be an accessible communication of ideas, suggestions, concerns, or opinions on work-related issues to improve the organization's functioning or unit. In this case, employee communication is considered an organizational context factor antecedent of employee engagement. (Mazzei et al., 2019). When organizations engage in strategic employee communication, employee engagement should be a logical outcome. Excellent internal communication has been recognized as something that can affect an organization's ability to engage employees.

Employee communication can be one of several well-designed and integrated personnel strategies to promote this common perception and generate commitment (Thornhill et al., 1996). Certain organizational communication aspects encourage work engagement and commitment with organizational members. (Walden et al., 2017). An engaging communication climate can make a substantial contribution to a company's long-term success and influence company perfomance. Good employee communication has been shown to increase employee job satisfaction and performance and result in organizational success. Employee communication can be one of several well-designed and integrated personnel strategies to promote this common perception and generate commitmen.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a state of mind determined by the extent to which individuals feel their work-related needs to be fulfilled. When people talk about employees' work attitudes, they refer to their job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be grouped by various features (nature of work, supervision, benefits, contingent rewards, operating procedures and co-workers) that complete the job profile (Dhamija et al., 2019). Job-related satisfaction has become a robust research variable in organizational behaviour because of its wide prevalence in individual employees' personal and professional lives. Various researchers have highlighted the importance of job satisfaction and its predecessors in their studies where job satisfaction is more than just an attitude that explains a person's internal state, both qualitatively and quantitatively(Dhamija et al., 2019).

Job satisfaction is an affective orientation that an employee has towards his work. It can be considered an overall feeling about work or a constellation of related perspectives about various aspects of work. Satisfaction is a stepping stone to engagement; therefore, the organization needs to match the work's goals with the employee's individual goals to feel comfortable with his work (Chandani et al., 2016). They found that work and organizational engagement were significantly related to affective commitment, active learning, initiative, OCB and perceived organizational performance. Organizational involvement is also positively related to job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is considered a measure of worker welfare. Job satisfaction includes the well-being people obtain from various aspects of their work, such as fulfilment, task characteristics, personal growth, promotion opportunities, managerial qualities, organizational support, and social relations at work. The meta-analysis summarizes a large body of evidence documenting that job satisfaction correlates with employee performance. Employee satisfaction is generally regarded as a driver of employee retention and productivity. Satisfied employees are a prerequisite for increasing productivity, responsiveness, quality, and service recognition(Jamal Ali & Anwar, 2021).

Job satisfaction is a predictor of performance, and this is because job satisfaction has a moderate correlation with employee performance(Rachmawati & Suyatno, 2021). If employees feel comfortable working alone, employee performance will be high, and vice versa. Low job satisfaction will automatically reduce employee performance (Loan, 2020) which is indicated by unwanted behaviour such as delays, absenteeism, and turnover.

Job satisfaction affects high employee commitment and performance (Beloor et al., 2017). When employees are satisfied with pay, fairness in the workplace, promotion opportunities, and management support, they are more likely to commit to their organization(Loan, 2020). Kepuasan kerja yang tinggi akan secara positif mempengaruhi komitmen kerja, akibatnya menurunkan niat berpindah karyawan. High job satisfaction will positively affect work commitment, reducing employee turnover intentions (Beloor et al., 2017).

Work Commitment

Work commitment is the bonding experience of employees with their organization through acceptance of the organization's goals, values, willingness to try to be part of the organization, and the desire to stay in the organization (Rahayuningsih & Putra, 2018). Furthermore, work commitment directs to a bunch of moral and evaluative principles characteristic of leaders who, in their passion for achieving their goals, strongly believe in the ideals of productivity, order, and systematization of organizational functioning.

Employees who work in organizations whose values ​​and objectives align with their professional values and goals are more likely to adopt appropriate behaviors consistent with the organization's mission, values, and purposes, thereby developing a strong commitment to the community and a high level of job involvement. (Beloor et al., 2017; Zefeiti & Noor Azmi, 2017).

An organization must maintain employee commitment because its success or failure is closely related to its employees' motivation and efforts, often the product of employee work commitment. Several studies have shown a strong relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction and that people who are more committed to the organization are less likely to leave their jobs. Organizational commitment can be considered an extension of job satisfaction because it is related to an employee's positive attitude, not towards his work but the organization.

Employees with high organizational commitment tend to feel they can manage a more substantial workload. Committed employees also do their jobs better than those less committed because they experience and think more about the work. Commitment can boost or restrict employees' willingness to do work because it affects their productivity and quality of work. This study's findings align with previous findings related to the impact of employee commitment having a significant effect on work performance. (Loan, 2020).

Employees who exhibit more significant levels of value-based commitment to their organizations are more likely to engage in knowledge sharing, decrease absenteeism, and lead to higher performance levels (Beloor et al., 2017). The relationship between organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance has been established in various studies, but its strength varies. Most studies find a positive relationship between organizational commitment and job performance, with higher commitment leading to increased performance. (Loan, 2020).


  • H1: Employee Communication affects Employee Performance

  • H2: Employee Communication affects Job Satisfaction

  • H3: Employee Communication affects Work Commitment

  • H4: Employee Engagement affects Job Satisfaction

  • H5: Employee Engagement affects Work Commitment

  • H6: Employee Engagement affects Employee Performance

  • H7: Job Satisfaction affects Employee Performance

  • H8: Work Commitment affects Employee Performance


This reaseach is quantitave study that designed to elucidate the effect of various varibles to work performance after pandemic 19 is changed to endemic. The research was conducted in Jakarta. The research was conducted from March 2022 - June 2022. This study is using surveys and structural equation modelling (Structural Equation Modeling). Collecting data through research instruments by distributing questionnaires to 200 employees in Jakarta using Google Forms due to restrictions issued by the Indonesian government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results were then obtained using the Lisrel 8.5 program. The population in this study are employees who are married and work from home in Jakarta. The sampling technique used by the researcher is a nonprobability sampling method, with a purposive sampling technique.

The estimation used is ML and has a multivariate normal data distribution, so the sample size of 100-200 is good. For a sample size above 200, this test tends to reject Ho. On the other hand, if it is less than 100, this test tends to accept H0 (Hair et al., 2014). The number of samples in this study was 100. To assess the feasibility of the model using the Goodness of fit method. This study uses a Likert scale of 1-5 (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree). Reject H0 if t-value > 1.96 or not reject H0 if t-value < 1.96 (Hair et al., 2014).


Table 1 - Profile of Respondents 

Profile Frequency Percent
Sex Male 43 22
Woman 157 78
Age <26 176 88
>41 0 0
26-30 20 10
31-35 3 1.5
36-40 1 0.5
Marital Status Unmarried 190 95
Married 10 5
Level of Education Has Been Completed High School 101 50.5
Diploma 1 0.5
Under Graduate 93 46.5
Graduate 4 2
Post Graduate 1 0.5

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

Of the total 200 questionnaires that have been collected. Information about the respondents is shown in table 1

Data Validity and Realibility Testing

Table 2 - Convergent Validity 

Construct Indicator (Likert Scale 1-5) t-value Standardized loading factors Adapted from
Employee Engagement I know what is expected of me at work 7.04 0.52 (Vorina et al., 2017)
I make every effort to create value for the organization where I work 7.09 0.53
I take opportunities, which help me learn and grow at work 7.60 0.56
My personal goals are in line with the organization's vision and mission 6.70 0.50
My opinion counts in my workplace 5.27 0.40
Employee Communication The company makes positive efforts to keep employees well informed 8.62 0.59 (Thornhill et al., 1996)
The information I received from the company is accurate 9.59 0.65
I was informed of a major change taking place within my company 6.82 0.49
Information is shared in a timely manner from my company 11.67 0.75
The information I received from the company is complete 13.72 0.84
Job Satisfaction At my work, I feel full of energy 1.96 0.65 (Gupta & Sharma, 2016)
I have the opportunity to advance in my work 8.24 0.71
I am enthusiastic about my work 8.78 0.77
My work inspires me 6.73 0.55
I have the opportunity to be responsible for determining and planning my work 6.37 0.52
Work Commitment At work, I am willing to cooperate actively with other workers to complete tasks 1.96 0.55 (Chang et al., 2021)
I will continue to work in my organization and sincerely contribute my services to its development 6.38 0.65
I care about my organization 5.86 0.57
I am always active in learning and trying to improve my skills 6.16 0.62
Employee Performance I am satisfied with my performance because most of it is very good 1.96 0.66 (Mazzei et al., 2019)
I receive significant recognition for a job well done 8.47 0.75
I meet the formal performance requirements of the job 7.37 0.62
My hard work makes me do my job well 6.95 0.58
I take the initiative in doing my job 6.37 0.53

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

Table 3 - Construct Reliability 

Construct Construct Reliability Average Variance Extracted
Employee Engagement 0.96 0.83
Employee Communication 0.98 0.93
Job Satisfaction 0.96 0.85
Work Commitment 0.92 0.77
Employee Performance 0.96 0.83

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

A variable is said to have good validity on the construct or latent variable if the value of the loading factors is greater than the critical value > 1.96 and has a standardized factor loading (SLF) 0.5, and it is more desirable that the SF value > 0.7 (Hair et al., 2014). From table 2, All items are valid and should be discarded because the value of loading factors < 1.96 and has a standardized factor loading (SLF) < 0.5.

In measuring reliability in SEM, the construct reliability measure and average variance extracted measure will be used. The expected CR value is CR > 0.7. The AVE value shows the meaning of the significant content of indicator variations that the construct can contain. The acceptable AVE value is minimum AVE > 0.5 (Hair et al., 2014). From table 3, construct reliability has been above the recommended level.

Hypothesis Testing

Table 4 - Goodness of Fit 

No Goodness of Fit Cut-Off Value Table Ket
1 P-Value for RMSEA > 0.05 0.00 Close Fit
2 Parsimonious Normed Fit Index (PNFI) > 0.6 0.78 Good Fit
3 Comparative Fit Index (CFI) > 0.9 0.94 Marginal Fit
4 Incremental Fit Index (IFI) > 0.9 0.94 Marginal Fit

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

The Goodness of fit results (Table 4) generated in this model can be accepted based on the measurement results above, which show that this model is good. These results are used to estimate the initial measurement model (CFA) simultaneously and then evaluate the measurement model. (Figures 1 and 2)

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

Fig. 1 - Structural Model (t-value) 

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022

Fig. 2 - Structural Model (Standardized Solution) 

Information (Table 5):

  1. EG: Employee Engagement

  2. EC: Employee Communication

  3. JS: Job Satisfaction

  4. WC: Work Commitment

  5. EP: Employee Performance

Table 5 - Causal Relations Between Variables 

No Path Standardization Coefficient t-value t-table Remarks
1 Employee Communication Employee Performance 0.25 2.14 1.96 Significance
2 Employee Communication Job Satisfaction 0.48 5.27 1.96 Significance
3 Employee Communication Work Commitment 0.11 1.15 1.96 Not Significance
4 Employee Engagement Job Satisfaction 0.49 5.37 1.96 Significance
5 Employee Engagement Work Commitment 0.83 6.01 1.96 Significance
6 Employee Engagement Employee Performance 0.04 0.13 1.96 Not Significance
7 Job Satisfaction Employee Performance 0.28 1.69 1.96 Not Significance
8 Work Commitment Employee Performance 0.38 1.29 1.96 Not Significance

Source: Data processed by researchers, 2022


The results of the first and second hypotheses show that employee communication has an effect on employee performance, and employee communication has an effect on Job satisfaction. The results of our research prove that good communication within the organization positively affects employee performance and job satisfaction. It follows previous research which emphasized that open communication with mutual understanding between all parties could be a critical factor in job satisfaction. This research is also in line with research conducted by Baek where communication affects employee satisfaction and performance (Baek, 2019). One form of communication that can be implemented by organizations in increasing employee satisfaction and performance is by holding informal meetings. Informal meetings with top management are the first type of communication initiative that employees prefer in supporting employee performance (Mazzei et al., 2019).

On the other hand, although communication plays an important role in increasing job satisfaction and employee performance. However, the results of the third hypothesis show that employee communication has no effect on work commitment. This of course contradicts the research conducted by Thornhill (1996) where communication is an important element in an organization's strategy to promote employee engagement, which is designed to lead to commitment and quality performance. This is also reinforced by previous research where honest, democratic and understanding communication will make employees willing to commit more to the organization. We suspect that with the COVID-19 pandemic situation full of uncertainty, employees do not feel a strong sense of belonging and bonding. This is exacerbated by the policy of working from home for a very long time and the lack of intensity of meeting directly between employees. Although this makes the employee's performance good and satisfied because it is supported by technology, it does not make employees commit. Management should have a clear strategy for communicating with employees through change, as employee expectations for open and honest communication increase during times of shift and uncertainty. Management should be the first source of information, rather than employees relying on the grapevine from outside.

The results of the fourth and fifth hypothesis show that employee engagement has an effect on Job satisfaction, and employee engagement has an effect on work commitment. Meanwhile, our research results prove that employee engagement affects increasing employee commitment. Employees who are maximally involved in work activities tend to be highly committed to the organization. Employee engagement can be increased with strategies that lead to value-added activities that result in future improvements. Our findings also prove that employee involvement affects employee job satisfaction. Employees with high engagement are getting job satisfaction more easily(Vorina et al., 2017).

Another thing organizations can do to increase employee engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition period is to build more robust communication with a remote team, encourage them with instant rewards, relax and ensure flexibility, create a virtual community with all employees, and hold online team building activities(Chanana & Sangeeta, 2021). Ultimately Organizations need to implement specific engagement plans and create an inclusive environment to instil a higher level of trust and enthusiasm to learn and innovate for successful job roles.

The results of the sixth hypothesis show that employee engagement has no effect on employee performance. This of course contradicts research conducted by Riyanti (2014) that employee involvement has an influence on employee performance. Our findings find that employee engagement increases employee satisfaction and commitment but does not necessarily increase their performance. We conclude that by working from home, lack of employee interaction has no effect on employee performance. This is due to training programs, employee development, certification programs, which they should be involved in and improve performance but had to be abolished due to the pandemic (Vorina et al., 2017).

The results of the seventh and eighth hypothesis show that job satisfaction has no effect on employee performance, and work commitment has no effect on employee performance. This of course contradicts research conducted by Al Mehrzi (2016) and Chandani (2016) which states that employees who are satisfied and committed to the company will have good performance. We believe that employees who are satisfied and committed will not necessarily perform well. This could be based on the prolonged time of the covid-19 pandemic and requires them to work from home without strong control. On the one hand they are satisfied and comfortable, but on the other hand their performance is affected. In addition, employees are already in their comfort zone, without any challenges, it means that employees cannot show optimal performance.


This study found that employee communication has an effect on employee performance, and employee communication has an effect on job satisfaction. Likewise, employee engagement has an effect on job satisfaction, and employee engagement has an effect on work commitment. But on the other hand, employee communication has no effect on work commitment, and employee engagement has no effect on employee performance. Likewise, job satisfaction has no effect on employee performance, and work commitment has no effect on employee performance.

The results of the study have relevant implications for practitioners that organizations can improve communication to make employees understand the relationship between their job contributions and overall business goals. Good communication with employees makes employees feel heard and motivates them to improve performance as a form of appreciation for the organization. In addition, clear guidance and direction should be given to employees to empower them so that they feel their contributions are valued and relevant to the success of the organization.

In addition to managing communication, employee involvement must also be considered to increase job satisfaction and employee commitment. Employee engagement should not be done just once but should be integrated into the corporate culture to encourage the development of employees and the organization as a whole.


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Received: September 20, 2022; Accepted: October 15, 2022

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