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Varona. Revista Científico Metodológica

versión On-line ISSN 1992-8238


FERNANDEZ-MIJARES, Elizandro  y  ROJAS HERNANDEZ, Leovigildo. Participatory management model for the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Artemisa. Varona [online]. 2020, n.71, pp. 35-42.  Epub 01-Feb-2021. ISSN 1992-8238.

Cuba, with the implementation of the lineaments of the VII Congress of the Communist Party in 2017, needs to update from the conceptions of participation in the process of the institutions of higher education and specially the Faculties of Medical Sciences. The model of direction of these institutions are responsible for the eficiency and effectiveness of the university processes to contribute to the economic and sociopolitic development of the nation, reason why the present work contains a proposal of model, its main component the main relations that sustain, and respond to the necessities of the contextual frame wher it was implemented.The work has as objective to socialize the manufacture of a model of participatory diection for the Faculty of Medical Sciencies of Artemisa, as a result of the Project of investigation¨Theory and practice of the educational direction¨,corresponding to The Collaborative Curricular Doctorate of Direction in Education, developed in the University of Pedagogical Sciencies: Enrique José Varona.The scientific result that this work presents fortifies the pocess of direction in these institutes and the methodology for the implementation of the model identifies the needs of the university community.

Palabras clave : participation; address participative; model; methodology.

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