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Cooperativismo y Desarrollo

versión On-line ISSN 2310-340X


SANCHEZ SOSA, Susana Lilia; RAMIREZ PEREZ, Jorge Freddy  y  PEREZ HERNANDEZ, Iverilys. Procedure for the design of agrotouristic products. Coodes [online]. 2020, vol.8, n.2, pp. 166-182.  Epub 02-Ago-2020. ISSN 2310-340X.

The need to diversify tourist activities and offers has led to the appearance of new tourist modalities, among which agrotourism emerges as one of the most singular, as it facilitates tourists to have interactive and cognitive experiences about life traditions in the rural world. The general objective of this research is to create a procedure for the design of an agrotourism product in the province of Pinar del Río, specifically in the peninsula of Guanahacabibes, focused on its rural area, which will allow the use of the natural, historical-cultural and agricultural resources existing in the area. All of this will be supported by the country's tourism development objectives and the growing demand for this type of tourism. A procedure with a logical sequence is presented where the bases for the development of agrotourism are established, which will facilitate the development of the research with the participation of fundamental actors of the region; in the first instance, the methods were determined, as well as the primary and secondary sources to be used as an initial and preparatory process, which made it possible to obtain the results of the research. A characterization of the study area was prepared and a diagnosis of the current particularities of tourism in the area was obtained, as well as the identification of tourist attractions based on interviews and a workshop. Results were obtained where it was established that the creation of an agrotourism product in the area was indeed necessary.

Palabras clave : agrotourism; tourist attractions; agrotouristic development.

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