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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3119


GARCIA MENESES, Celibel et al. Characterization the pediatric patients with diagnostic of illnesses congenital valvulares. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2019, vol.91, n.1 ISSN 1561-3119.


The congenital valvulopatías is a group of entities in which the main alteration anatomofuncional is in the heart valves.


To characterize the pediatric patients with diagnostic of born congenital valvulopatías.


He/she was carried out a retrospective descriptive investigation starting from the registrations of congenital valvulopatías of the service of Cardiology of the Hospital Pediatric University student "José Luis Miranda" in the period of 2005 at the 2016. The population was conformed by the 147 alive born children with diagnostic of congenital valvulopatías, a sampling was not used intentional probabilístico by approaches, being conformed the sample by 143. The collection of the information was carried out through the documental revision of the clinical histories.


The rate of incidence of the congenital valvulopatías was of 1,5 x 1000 born alive, the lung estenosis prevailed containing to 70,6 % of those diagnosed he/she was prevalence of the masculine sex in 50,3 %, it was determined that 45,5 % of the cases was diagnosed before the 29 days where a prenatal diagnosis is included.


The development of the prenatal diagnosis of the congenital cardiopatías has facilitated the decrease of the incidence of the most complex malformations. The knowledge of the congenital illnesses of the heart contributes to operate in a sure way and with complete anatomical resolution to many of these children in the prenatal period or when they are small nurslings, to avoid the global deterioration of these when the cardiopatía is not resolved.

Palabras clave : congenital cardiopatías; illnesses congenital valvulares; lung estenosis.

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