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Universidad de La Habana

versión On-line ISSN 0253-9276


GARCIA GAMEZ, Dianne. Transfigurations in Áyax y Casandra. UH [online]. 2023, n.297  Epub 10-Jun-2023. ISSN 0253-9276.

The objective of this research is to analyze how Cuban author Reinaldo Montero dialogues with the classical tradition in Áyax y Casandra. For this, I have examined in first place, how the characters were built in previous texts. This has allowed me to know what Montero retakes and why he does it, as well as determine which are his innovations and depending on what new message places them. So, I have come to the conclusion that Montero not only uses myths and works of classical tradition to reflect on current themes, but also converts his text, by crisscrossing so many traces of sources inserted in the tradition, in an extensive speech on classical survival.

Palabras clave : appropriation; mixture; myths; theater; classical tradition.

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