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Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas

versión impresa ISSN 0864-0300


FARRAMOLA BELLO, Luis Antonio; ERICE RIVERO, Teresa Sandra  y  FRIAS ALVAREZ, Yaumara. Female anorgasmy as a health problem. Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd [online]. 2011, vol.30, n.3, pp. 312-317. ISSN 0864-0300.

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that anorgasmy is a health problem. METHODS: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 227 women came to «Calixto García Iñiquez» General Hospital. Variables selected were: age, schooling level, age at onset of the first sexual intercourses, anorgasmy /female masturbation relation, and analyses with percentages. RESULTS: The great percentage of coital anorgasmy was of 35 % and the 40 % were chance anorgasmies corresponding to age group under 19, the 57.8 % had a low schooling level and the 36.3 % began its first sexual intercourse before 13 years old. The 66.6 % of the polled women not achieved its orgasm through partner sexual intercourse but the masturbation. CONCLUSIONS: It was demonstrated la significance of maturity to face the sexual intercourses as well as the higher incidence of anorgasmy in those that had a low schooling level and an early onset of sexual intercourses. The female masturbation has a high incidence in the achievement of sexual satisfaction.

Palabras clave : Chance anorgasmy; coital anorgasmy.

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