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Revista Cubana de Cirugía

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2945


GRILLO, Calogero et al. Papilomatosis nasal-sinusal: diagnóstico endoscópico. Rev Cubana Cir [online]. 2000, vol.39, n.3, pp. 224-226. ISSN 1561-2945.

Among the different benign neoformations of the nasal and paranasal sinuses, the inverted papillomas may be considered as a clinical case of particular interest due to its pathogenetic peculiarities. Inverted papillomas are, in fact, benign tumors with elevated erosive capacities (as a consequence of necrosis by osteal compression), degenerative potentialities and a marked inclination to reappear in a more severe form. Accurate endoscopic objectivity is required because of the specificity of the symptoms by scanning (epistasis, respiratory obstruction, mucous purulent rhinorrea) in order to prove: l. the macroscopic morphological characteristics, which are often pathognomonic; 2. the origin, generally, of the lateral wall of the nose; 3. the manifestation of the sinuses and 4. the possible multifocal origin. The use of combined endoscopic techniques with flexible and unflexible means has allowed to have a high quality diagnosis and treatment. The use of optic fibres has made possible to investigate all the sinusal cavities by the nose and nasopharynx, on exceeding the limits of the traditional diagnosis. The flexible endoscope allowed to conduct a more complete study of nasal cavities and gave the possiility to make a biopsy with the minimum of annoyance for the patient. The use of rigid endoscopy has permitted to get an image with a better quality and with a high level of resolution and brightness, even when the limited ability and tolerability has often caused , specially in the peoperative tests, an incomplete examination. We think it is correct to asseverate that though the imaging diagnosis (CT) is the selected procedure, the technological evolution of the optic fibres (rigid and flexible) has changed the diagnosis approach of such affections that always require a complete bimodal endoscopic evaluation

Palabras clave : PAPILOMA INVERTIDO [diagnóstico]; NEOPLASMAS NASALES [diagnóstico]; ENDOSCOPIA.

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