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vol.7 número2Aspectos bioéticos relacionados con los pacientes que padecen el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia AdquiridaNeurocisticercosis. Presentación de un caso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1727-897X


GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Pedro  y  MORALES PEREZ, Tamara. Asymmetric traumatic bilateral dislocation of hip. Case report. MediSur [online]. 2009, vol.7, n.2, pp. 51-53. ISSN 1727-897X.

A male (26 years) suffered an asymmetric bilateral dislocation of hip as a result of a car accident. The patient was treated with closed reduction and bone traction for six weeks. We present this report since the reviewed literature only include six cases with this kind of lesion and because this is a medical emergency resulting from high impact trauma, being the aseptic osteonecrosis the most significant and serious complication.

Palabras clave : Hip dislocation /terap, compl; wounds and injuries /terap; emergency medicine.

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