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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3119


DELGADO QUINTERO, Marisabel; DIAZ, Kenia Felipe  y  COUCE HERRERA, Vivian Maria. Adolescents´ orbital myositis. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2019, vol.91, n.1 ISSN 1561-3119.


Acute orbitary myositis is an inflammatory condition of the extrinsic ocular musculature, often of unknown cause. It is part of a group of non-specific orbital inflammatory conditions encompassed by the term of orbital pseudotumors. It mainly affects young women.


To describe the case of a teenager with acute orbital myositis which an inflammatory condition not frequent in the pediatric ages.

Case presentation:

This is a 14-year-old, mixed-race, female patient, who suffered dengue three times before presenting ocular pain in the left eye, intermittent high fever, intermittent ocular protrusion, vomiting, headache, weakness, loss of weight and appetite. The left eye presents edema of the upper eyelid and limitation in abduction. The extrinsic ocular musculature presented: horizontal diplopia in right to left gaze. The ocular ultrasound informs: cystic image that does not impress to be of hematic content. A computerized axial tomography of the orbit and simple skull was performed, and the result was compatible with the diagnosis of orbital myositis. Immediate treatment with oral steroids was indicated and the patient was sent to the ´´Pando Ferrer´´ Ophthalmology Institute for follow-up.


Orbital myositis requires a high index of suspicion for a correct diagnosis and treatment. Dengue seems to be involved in the etiology of the disease.

Palabras clave : orbital myositis; diagnosis; orbital pseudotumor; children.

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