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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3119


CABO RODRIGUEZ, Víctor et al. Mesenteric Lynphangioma in the pediatric ages. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2019, vol.91, n.1 ISSN 1561-3119.


Within the range of congenital malfomations that surgeons have to deal with, vascular tumors and malformations represent an special group of entities that are still under study.


To determine the clinical-surgical characteristics of a series of two cases with congenital malformations of lymphatic origin.

Cases presentation:

Two patients of 12 and 4 years old respectively that were admitted in the Emergencies services in the Clinical-Surgical Hospital of Guayaquil, Ecuador, with manifestations of intestinal obstruction and abdominal cystic tumoral lesions that required surgical treatments with different techniques. Final evolution was satisfactory.


Intestinal lymphoangiomas are part of the kinds of clinical presentations of lymphatic origin´s malformations. These have a low incidence but due to their localization and symptoms can require emergency surgical treatment. Their evolution and resolution is satisfactory due to the low index of recidive after complete exeresis.

Palabras clave : mesenteric lymphoangioma; abdominal cystic tumor; pediatrics..

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