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Revista Cubana de Reumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1817-5996


VELASCO BUSTAMANTE, Jonathan Adrián et al. Practical approach to spondyloarthritis. Rev Cuba Reumatol [online]. 2019, vol.21, n.3  Epub 01-Dic-2019. ISSN 1817-5996.


spondyloarthritis, or SpA, is a form of inflammatory arthritis that usually begins between 17 and 45 years. Systemic inflammation is a key feature that helps distinguish it from other types of arthritis, including arthritis by tearing and tearing, such as osteoarthritis.


to provide information on the practical approach of spondyloarthritis to help clarify points that, in the opinion of the authors of this work, are important for the management of it.


in a short time, there have been unusual advances that cover all aspects of its management, including diagnosis and monitoring, but especially in its treatment. Some deceptive presentations are typical of delayed onset, such as late-onset peripheral spondyloarthritis (LOPS), which is characterized by an inflammatory oligoarthritis that contrasts with the general signs, an important inflammatory syndrome and, sometimes, asymmetric edema of the lower extremities.


the role of rheumatologists is essential in the management of this disease, as they are the best qualified specialists to be in charge of these patients, while the generalists participate more in the detection of it.

Palabras clave : practical approach; spondyloarthritis, rheumatology.

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