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Biotecnología Vegetal

versión On-line ISSN 2074-8647


STEFENON, Valdir Marcos et al. In vitro callogenesis for the induction of somatic embryogenesis and antioxidant production in Eugenia uniflora. Biot. Veg. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.2, pp. 135-146.  Epub 01-Jun-2020. ISSN 2074-8647.

Eugenia uniflora is an American tree species with ecological, agronomical and medicinal importance. However, just few studies have focused on the in vitro propagation and production of secondary metabolites. This study investigated the explant sources and culture conditions for the in vitro callogenesis in E. uniflora towards induction of somatic embryogenesis and production of antioxidant compounds. Nodal segments, leaf sections and root segments from in vitro germinated seeds were used as explants and eight different combinations of auxins (2,4-D or NAA) and cytokinins (BAP or TDZ) were tested for the callus induction. The best callogenic response was observed in nodal segments, followed by leaf sections. Root segments presented comparatively poorer callogenic performance. Calli from nodal segments cultivated in MS medium with NAA (10 µM) + TDZ (5 µM) originated putative pro-embryogenic structures, while the culture in liquid medium using MS supplemented with NAA (10 µM) + TDZ (5 µM) revealed significantly higher content of phenols and flavonoids, as well as higher reducing capacity than the tested treatments and the control (fresh leaves). In summary, the calli obtained from nodal segments revealed competence for somatic embryogenesis induction and development as well as the production of secondary metabolites with pharmaceutical potential.

Palabras clave : Brazilian cherry; callus induction; pitangueira; plant growth regulators; plant tissue culture.

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