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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0138-600X


DEL RIO ROMERO, Luskenia; BLANCO FIGUEREDO, Nadia  y  RODRIGUEZ DOMINGUEZ, Zulay. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of omphalocele. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2014, vol.40, n.2, pp. 265-271. ISSN 0138-600X.

Omphalocele is an abdominal wall defect at the midline characterized by herniation of abdominal contents and covered by peritoneum and amnion. The aim of this paper is to present a case of omphalocele with gestational age of 23 weeks and prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography. Using ultrasound diagnosis in a patient pesquiza made 40 years of age in the second trimester (gestational age 23 weeks) showed a level of the anterior fetal echogenic image that sticks through the abdominal wall and then locate the cord umbilical. Stomach is seen displaced and loss of normal anatomy of the abdominal circumference. Genetic counseling was conducted at the Municipal Center for Genetics of Manzanillo. Anatomopatolágicamente the fetus presented short and wide neck, low-set ears, defect omphalomesenteric of ductal closure, hernia sac occupied by the caudate lobe of the liver and gallbladder bed, wide base heart dissection showing cava-cava absence of interventricular septum was observed pulmonary valve stenosis most dilation of supravalvular pulmonary artery, large defect and aorta intraventricular septum ride, which speaks in favor of a heart rate troncoconal fallop trilogy over the omphalocele. Prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography is an efficient and reliable method for prenatal diagnosis of omphalocele.

Palabras clave : omphalocele; abdominal wall defects; exomphalos; prenatal ultrasonography.

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