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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3062


GARCIA ODIO, Amado; RIVES GONZALEZ, Yanisel  y  ALVAREZ BOLIVAR, Daymeris. Osteogenesis Imperfect Type IV in a Preganant. Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2019, vol.45, n.1, pp. 66-73.  Epub 01-Mar-2019. ISSN 1561-3062.

Osteogenesis imperfecta or crystal bones is a genetic disease of autosomal dominant transmission, particularly type IV. Patients are born with fractures and curvatures of the long bones of the lower limbs, they show dentinogenesis imperfecta, gray or white sclerotic, there is no deafness and usually kyphoscoliosis and ligamentous laxity are present. We report the case of a white 24-year-old pregnant patient. Symptoms are mainly observed in the vision and in musculoskeletal and neurological system. An elective caesarean section was performed, which resulted in a healthy baby with a good Apgar score. There were no maternal or neonatal complications. The transoperative, immediate, middle and late surgical puerperium did not have complications. The purpose of this article is to report a case of a pregnant woman with a genetic wide heterogeneity illness that determines the phenotype variability allowing facing a prenatal good care from showing the clinical manifestations of OI type IV in this patient.

Palabras clave : Osteogenesis Imperfecta; genetics; pregnant women.

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