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vol.38 suppl.5Los ensayos clínicos y su contribución a la salud pública cubanaImpacto del informe de la Comisión sobre Determinantes Sociales de la Salud cuatro años después índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0864-3466


LAGE DAVILA, Agustín  y  CROMBET RAMOS, Tania. From the new biologic cancer drug to the impact in population health. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2012, vol.38, suppl.5, pp. 781-793. ISSN 0864-3466.

The clinical research does not finish with the registration of a new drug, but with the modification of the population health indexes. This paper set forth the experience of the Cuban biotechnology in cancer control, in order to achieve the reduction of mortality rate from malignant tumors. Biotechnology has four areas of remarkable impact in cancer control: first, the primary prevention by means of prophylactic vaccines; second, the techniques for early diagnosis; third, the stratification of patients according to the molecular prognostic or predictive biomarkers and fourth, the treatment of advanced disseminated cancer with therapeutic cancer vaccines and monoclonal antibodies that detect specific targets in tumors. The use of these therapies has entailed a shift of paradigm in the cancer therapy. The Cuban experience has been successful due to the existence of a high standard health system based on complete coverage and equal access, the development of the primary medical care- the core of the Cuban health system -and the advance of a national, innovative biotech industry with manufacturing capacity to meet the national demand and to export products. In spite of the advances, big technical and methodological challenges still remain. Post-registration scientific research would define the strategy to optimize the impact of the new products in the population's health, aimed at increasing the life expectancy of the Cuban people.

Palabras clave : biotechnology; cancer; vaccines; monoclonal antibodies; nimotuzumab; CIMAvax EGF.

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