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Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental

versión impresa ISSN 1680-0338


GUTIERREZ HERRERA, Mailén Virgen  y  JUAN CARVAJAL, Dargen Tania. Genesis of the formation of the hydraulic engineer in Cuba. riha [online]. 2019, vol.40, n.3, pp. 116-125.  Epub 30-Sep-2019. ISSN 1680-0338.

Hydraulic engineering in Cuba as a career is relative new, there is not abundance of information about the formation of these engineers; the available documents are focused in teaching, the disciplinarily relationship or curriculum, but is difficult to find the origin; therefore the aim of this work is to reflect about the phenomenona giving origin to the design of this new career. Knowledge of the genesis of the formation of the hydraulic engineer in Cuba allowed to understand the stability of its teaching process up to the present day.

Palabras clave : formation; genesis; hydraulic engineer; genetic method.

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