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versión On-line ISSN 1990-8644


LOPEZ ABELLA, Laura Mileana  y  JUANES GIRAUD, Blas Yoel. Fundaments of didactics of the basic motor skills of primary basic education. Conrado [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.73, pp. 190-195.  Epub 02-Abr-2020. ISSN 1990-8644.

The objective of the work is to carry out the main conceptualizations about the formation of basic motor skills for elementary school students. Fundaments of the teaching-learning process are assumed, based on laws, principles and didactic categories, which constitute regularities to respond to different pedagogical positions of a certain conception. The professional performance of the teacher of Physical Education, is given by the importance of the curriculum of the subject, in correspondence with the educational processes, given by the knowledge and doing in the teaching-learning process of the subject to guarantee the integral formation of the scholar. The skills are formed in the same process of the activity, where the scholar converts information into knowledge and manifests them in the practice in the form of a conscious skill, is to achieve mastery of an operation system aimed at developing the information obtained from the object and content in the knowledge. The authors of this work considers that the formation of basic motor skills begins in the primary school, at the moment when there is a broad nonspecific motor base where the motor skills will be acquired and where the learning is established for their training. Body changes for being the stage of childhood, where the learning of the subject is systematized given by the personological transformations that occur.

Palabras clave : Training; basic motor skills; teaching.

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