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Retos de la Dirección

versión On-line ISSN 2306-9155


MORENO OLIVA, Odalis Ibet; LEON ROBAINA, Rosario  y  CASTELLANOS PALLEROLS, Graciela. A Methodology for Marketing Audit of Scientific and Technical Services, with a Corporate Social Responsibility Approach. Rev retos [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.2, pp. 156-182.  Epub 05-Jul-2020. ISSN 2306-9155.


A methodology of marketing audit of professional scientific and technical services based on a comprehensive approach of corporate social responsibility.


Literature review, ideal point, the Fishbein model, UCINET 6.0 software.

Main results:

The design of a methodology for marketing audit of professional scientific and technical services, which integrates the dimensions marketing social responsibility, that will allow for evaluation of the social dimension of marketing.


The existence of insufficient integration between social responsibility and marketing was demonstrated. This proposal includes the commitment to corporate social responsibility in its premises. It allows for effective evaluation of the process, and its impact on interest groups and the society.

Palabras clave : service marketing; marketing audit; professional scientific and technical services; corporate social responsibility; dimensions of social marketing responsibility.

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