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Retos de la Dirección

versión On-line ISSN 2306-9155


ORTECHO LLANOS, Ronald et al. A Performance Model for Sustainable Endogenous Development in Tayacaja, Peru. Rev retos [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.2, pp. 274-300.  Epub 01-Dic-2020. ISSN 2306-9155.


To present a performance model that contributes to local sustainable development in the province of Tayacaja, Peru, which includes triple helix, human resources training, business incubator, production chains, and the local potential.


The methods used in this research were analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction; the techniques used were observation, interviews, and document review.

Main results:

The methodological elements comprised in the performance model are defined and explained in order to help develop sustainable endogenous development, based on a structured systemic approach, as suggested to stakeholders, based on the analysis of these elements, and the outcome of the study of ecosystem resource potential in the province.


In Latin America, particularly in Peru, the local development projects designed and developed show modest and punctual results. In the suggested performance model, the university plays a key role in human resource training, the evaluation of the ecosystemic potential, and the encouragement of entrepreneurship. The performance model for sustainable endogenous development suggested in this research was methodologically structured through five duly-explained theoretical elements, proving that it may be a powerful referent to stimulate endogenous development in the province. Moreover, it includes painstaking and complex elements, which have had a successful performance. Working in integration, they create the proper synergy to produce sustainable endogenous development.

Palabras clave : sustainable endogenous development; entrepreneurship; triple helix; chain.

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