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Universidad de La Habana

versión On-line ISSN 0253-9276


HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, Jorge. Geopolitics reloaded: The continental domination of the United States in the 21 st century. UH [online]. 2023, n.296  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 0253-9276.

This essay analyzes the conceptions that currently serve as the basis for the Latin American policy of the United States, and the various tools that make its exercise possible. Both elements articulate, from yesterday to today, a system of continental domination that, between continuities and changes, is still in force. The objective is to contribute to the understanding of what changes and what remains, doctrinally and instrumentally, in the light of the third decade of the current century, transcending the anecdotal narrative or the episodic serialization of events.

Palabras clave : imperialism; geopolitcs; domination; United States; Latin America.

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