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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696


VARELA RODRIGUEZ, Yuniet De la Caridad; OLIVA QUINTANA, Luis Orestes  y  MOREJON CONCEPCION, Maily. System of teaching tasks as an interdisciplinary node in the didactics of the construction of written texts. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2022, vol.20, n.1, pp. 35-51.  Epub 02-Mar-2022. ISSN 1815-7696.

Due to the importance of the teaching and improvement of the written language in Higher Education, as it constitutes a transversal macro-axis of the training curriculum and interdisciplinary node in the cognitive-communicative processes that take place in all the subjects of the initial training process; this investigation was carried out which aims to design a system of teaching tasks for the didactics of the construction of written texts from the educational project of the year with a social, cultural and professional approach and with a marked interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary character. It is a current issue, in order to guarantee a graduate in correspondence with what is required in the professional model of the career and society. In the investigation the methods of the theoretical level were used: historical - logical, analysis, systematization, analysis - synthesis and induction - deduction; those of the empirical level: documents analysis, the survey, the interview, the observation, the pedagogical test, the consultation of specialists; and the mathematical method in the application of descriptive statistics techniques. The proposed experience allowed to corroborate the interdisciplinary nature of the didactics of the construction of the written text from its conception in the educational project of the year and its contribution to solve problems from the different components of the professional training process in each of its dimensions and scenarios; whose effectiveness has been verified and corroborated in its results and the criteria expressed by the specialists who participated in this research.

Palabras clave : of the construction of written texts; interdisciplinary; educational project of the year; teaching task.

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