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vol.21 número3Estudio de la formación inicial para la atención a la diversidad en carreras pedagógicasLos métodos problémicos en la asignatura biología animal para educandos con discapacidad visual índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696


SILVA VAZQUEZ, Alexander  y  CABALLERO HERNANDEZ, Héctor. Labor practice as an integrating axis to develop professional pedagogical interests. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.3  Epub 30-Sep-2023. ISSN 1815-7696.

The article describes the ideas that support that the labor practice constitutes the integrating axis to develop the pedagogical professional interests in the formative process of the Primary Teachers specialty in the context of the Pedagogical Schools. In relation to the aforementioned, the objective is to socialize a system of actions that favors the development of professional pedagogical interests, using the sampling technique, in its non-probabilistic variant, and in its quota and subject-type modalities. Among the methods used are the theoretical level, the historical-logical, the theoretical systematization, the analysis and synthesis, the modeling; and at the empirical level: observation, survey, interview, critical opinion workshops and collective construction, as well as experiential pedagogical experience. As a result of greater impact, it can be seen that the development of pedagogical professional interests begins towards the study of the specialty by the students, when they begin to link theory and practice more efficiently, they face the work practice in educational institutions responsibly. They demonstrate the skills acquired by showing their potential in knowing, knowing how to do and being as future education professionals, which lead to demonstrating their possibilities to transform reality.

Palabras clave : educational agents; integrating axis; pedagogical professional interests; professional orientation; labor practice.

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