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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo

versión On-line ISSN 1991-9395


TORRES VALLE, Antonio  y  CARBONELL SIAM, Ana Teresa. Computerized Management of Occupational Risks: SECURE-SST, Ver. 1.0. Rev. cuban. salud trabajo [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.1  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 1991-9395.


The difficulties associated with the risk assessments required by the Cuban regulations on safety and health at work, due to ignorance of many of its aspects, cause improvisations in its implementation and problems of quality of its documents, which result in the formal fulfillment of these evaluations. The awareness of these problems prompted the design and programming of an occupational safety and health evaluation system.


To show the process of computerization and application of a Cuban occupational risk management system.


The code SECURE-SST Ver. 1.0 is developed with analytical and graphic capabilities that allow to fulfill, in an automated way, the requirements of identification, evaluation and drafting of the general plans of prevention of occupational risks and the generation of process maps and risk maps. The enrichment of the program with reference bases related to types of risks, dangerous situations and preventive measures constitutes one of the most important capacities with which the program has been strengthened, with respect to the starting methods.


The tool is a system with a proactive approach to risk management and decision-making in occupational health and safety. A detailed practical example is shown.


SECURE-SST Ver. 1.0 is offered with an associated training course. It is installed on users' PCs along with their user manual and tutorial files. The code allows detailed documentation of each of its options.

Palabras clave : occupational safety; occupational hazard; risk management; decision making.

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